B: [looks at D in surprise] "You iron?"

S: [looks at her in surprise]

D: [meets her gaze with a slightly offended expression] "Yes, I iron."

S: (slightly exasperated) [looking at her] "That's what surprises you?"

B: [looks up at S, then shrugs] "I guess... I mean..." [looks at the shirt in S's hand] "....given the new information...." [looks at D with a slight amused smile] "....it seems completely in character."

D: [looks at her in amusement]

S: (slightly irritated and frustrated)

D: [looks at S] "Come on, Sammy. Learn to take a joke."

B: [looks at S]

S: (slightly irritated and frustrated) "Whatever, Dean. Just because you're an alcoholic doesn't mean you have to convince everyone I am, too."

B: [raises her eyebrows and looks at D]

D: [glances at her, then looks back at S and gestures to the coffee pot] "Drink some coffee. You'll feel better."

S: [frustrated look at D, then looks at B with "help me out" expression]

B: [raises her hands defensively] "I don't take sides in beer-soaked-clothing battles." [grins at them] "Especially between brothers."

S: (slightly frustrated)

D: [sarcastic smile at S and nods toward B] "She's smarter than she looks."

B: [looks at him and narrows her eyes] "However..."

D: [meets her gaze] (slightly uncomfortable and nervous)

B: [holds his gaze] (determined and bold) "I do have to wonder exactly what family roles are being played out by an older brother who relies on sarcastic humor and practical jokes to try to protect and simultaneously control a younger brother who constantly seems to allow such bad behavior."

D: [holds her gaze and swallows hard]

S: [looking between them with a small smile]

B: [tilts her head slightly, holding D's gaze] "Who are you, Dean? Are you the hero?... Or the clown?... Or the scapegoat?....We know Sam's the enabler..."

S: [looks at her] (surprised and slightly confused and defensive)

B: [holding D's gaze] "And you're definitely not the victim.... So who are you....?"

D: [holds her gaze] (uncomfortable and uncertain) [flashes a sarcastic smile] {lowly} "I guess at this point I'm just the domestic help." [flips the eggs in the skillet without looking at them]

B: [looks at the skillet] "Uh-huh...." [meets his gaze again] "...And I think you're smarter than you look...." [small smile] "Which is saying something."

D: (slightly surprised and subtly pleased and confused)

B: [turns to S] (calm and open) "Coffee?"

S: (slightly taken aback) "Uh, yeah, sure."

B: [smiles at him and walks toward the coffee pot, gets two cups and and fills them with coffee, then adds sugar to one and stirs it]

D: [watches her] "Hey, smarty pants, what about the hired help?"

B: [turns, holding both cups of coffee, holds the sugarless cup out toward S, then meets D's gaze] "Do I look like an enabler to you?"

D: [holds her gaze]

D part 2 (SPN fanfic, super-duper sappy! I suck at writing action)Where stories live. Discover now