Coming Home

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The years passed on and with that came lots of ups and several downs as it usually goes. Olivia was a fine young woman with an education at the good age of fourty eight. She was happily married and had two kids, residing just a few blocks down from Graceland. She helped her parents keep EPE up and running and occasionally made public appearances or sang at local venues

Lisa Marie was fourty two and living in California with her four kids, taking up a career in the music industry but doing things her own way and veering from the path her father took. She wanted her music to be different than that of Elvis'

Felix was thirty six and taking up residence in his father's hometown of Tupelo Mississippi to try and live a quiet yet simple life though it would prove to be challenging since he was Elvis' son

The three Presley children planned a surprise visit for their parents since it had been awhile that the five of them had all been together and such, in fact it might have been at least six years. When they had arrived at the iconic estate, they approached the small entry way of the front house and knocked on the door. Priscilla was the one to answer the door and was overly excited to see her kids, grandkids and in laws. She didn't waste a second as she invited them all into the house and was sure to give everyone a hug and a kiss or two on the cheek

"I'm so happy you're all here." Priscilla wiped at her glassy blue eyes to keep her tears at bay

"Don't cry, mom. We're happy to see you too." Felix gently pulled her in for a side hug to comfort the older woman. He had a bit of a southern accent like his dad

"We had this planned out for months." Lisa Marie felt proud that neither her, Felix or Olivia had informed anyone about the visit. Not even the media caught wind of it

Olivia slipped away to go find Elvis while everyone else talked with Priscilla since it was long overdue. After looking for nearly ten minutes inside the house with many rooms, she checked one last room for good measure and saw the elusive man she had been searching for sitting out on the balcony that led from his and Priscilla's bedroom. The one man who she'd love until the end of time, not excluding her husband of course. Elvis had aged well though there did look to be exhaustion on his face. He had been through so much and had seen more than most in life. He had retired from touring and recording music at the age of sixty eight when everything began to become too much for him in his old age even if he was a little healthier now. Because of how advanced the medical field had come over the years, Elvis was able to get the proper diagnosis's and help that he needed but lately he was having problems again. More so with his breathing

She slowly walked up to her dad who hadn't even turned so much as to look at her. "Hey daddy. You look handsome for a seventy five year old man."

Finally, those piercing blue eyes she had engraved into her memory looked right into her own blue orbs. "Thank you, baby. I hear the same thing from your mother all the time." He chuckled softly and gestured for her to sit down next to him on the patio loveseat which she did

"I wanted to give you this, daddy. It's one of my favorite pictures of the two of us." Olivia took out a picture and showed it to her father

He took the picture from her and looked it over. It was a picture from 1970 in July at the fair that had come into town for 3 short days. On that little square it showed Olivia curled up on her dad's shoulder as he carried her and a few prizes won from the concessions. "I remember that day. You had so much fun, honey."

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