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Tupelo Mississippi. Where Elvis was born and lived for thirteen years of his life before moving to Memphis with his parents. This was their last stop on the tour since Olivia thought it would be nice to go sightseeing with her dad afterwards and relive some of his childhood memories here in East Tupelo. It would also mean giving him some well deserved relaxation time to unwind from the tour. It felt bittersweet seeing Elvis onstage and having fun in between songs like he usually did. It was hard to believe how fast the tour came and went but it was also relieving because they'd get to go back home and see their family again. Sure, they'd talk on the phone but that didn't compare to actually seeing someone in person and talking to their face

Halfway through the show, Elvis did the usual and introduced his family members to the audience

"My daughter, Olivia."

Olivia still felt nervous after accompanying her father on tour countless times when he introduced her to the massive audience. She glanced at her dad who stood proudly on stage as several whistles and applause were coming from all around. "Stand up, baby. They can't see you." He said and after being hesitant for a minute, Olivia slowly stood up. Her cheeks were the color of the reddest tomatoes though it was hard to see in the dark. Thankfully she was able to sit back down seconds later and collect her nerves. That's one thing she won't miss when this tour is officially wrapped up

When they got back to the suite, Elvis talked on the phone with Priscilla for a little while to check up on her and Lisa Marie. He offered the phone to Olivia incase she wanted to speak to them, taking the phone from him and talking to her stepmother

"Did my friends happen to call back?" She nervously wrapped a finger around the curly cord that connected to the phone

"No, they haven't. I'm sorry, sweetie." Priscilla felt guilty even if it was something beyond her control

Olivia looked down at her emerald green dress, feeling Elvis' gaze on her. She couldn't believe that her friends never returned her call considering she had been on the road with Elvis for going on three months. She was back to having no friends just like five years ago. "Ok. Goodnight, mom. Call us if you need anything."

"Goodnight sweetheart. Lisa and I are counting the days when you get back." Priscilla said before hanging up the phone

Olivia had set the phone down and turned to look at her dad who had been watching her. "Everything ok with your friends?" He asked out of concern

"Not really but I'm not going to let it bother me." Olivia sighed and sat on the edge of the bed, feeling her dad rub a clammy hand up and down her back. "Go get ready for bed, it's late. We have a lot to do tomorrow." He spoke softly. Olivia did as he asked since she hadn't realized how tired she was until she had gone to the bathroom to change into her pajamas, Elvis already dressed in his as he waited on his daughter to join him

Olivia didn't mind sleeping in bed with Elvis since he had grown up poor and he usually slept in bed with his parents as a child considering they couldn't afford a large enough house with an abundance of rooms, they didn't even have any privacy. Plus once Elvis struck fame and fortune, he always needed someone to sleep with him due to his sleep walking and because he was so used to having someone sleeping with him. Olivia didn't dare pester Elvis when she saw him take a few pills before he got comfortable, sighing. He took sleeping pills to help with his insomnia that he's had all his life

"Hold your horses, Nungen. It's not like the house is going anywhere." Elvis called out to an overeager Olivia who had practically sprinted to the small white house where he was born, a plaque to be seen right in front of the house. Elvis, Olivia and the others who had accompanied them all read it in silence before looking at the marvel that Vernon built for his family. "Still a beauty. I can't believe it's still standing though to be honest." Vernon laughed a bit, taking pride in the home he had shared with his wife and son and the memories it came with

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