14- Wedding day

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"Thanks, we should get going" I said
Tommy was still smoking on the other side of the street
No effort made to talk to me
So I got in the car. And made my way to the registry office.

The ceremony was small. But perfect to me
Polly walked me in, and handed me off in her words
Then we got married before a side of Alfie's family. Well respected people in their community, do gooders all dressed up fancy
And my side of Shelby's and small heath people I'd known all my life

With happy expressions for me and bitter ones whenever the focus was on Alfie
But I loved him
And I was grateful they were here to support me.

Outside we stood to take photos
Which was a long and tedious task as many people here did not get along
Polly didn't particularly want to stand with Tommy
None of my lot wanted to stand with Alfie
And Alfie's family didn't want to even stand near the Shelby's out of fear.

"Michael should be here today" Polly said
"I know, I'm sorry he couldn't come" I said
"It's not your fault, you're not the one who sent my son away" she said, glancing over at Tommy
"John should be here too" I said sadly.

"I know. And he would have laughed at you for being so sad on your wedding day, smile, it's a happy day. And he's with us. Even if we can't see him" she said
"How's Arthur doing?" I asked, trying to change the subject in fear of crying
"He's about 4 away from slapping Linda I think" she said, as we looked over to them arguing once again.

"Can we have one of the groom with the women please?" The photographer asked
Polly abandoned me to stand beside Alfie, with Ada, Nala and Dorothy, they looked... strange stood for a photo together.

"Eden will give me the contact I want" Tommy said simply, appearing beside me as I watched them
"Oh, good, did you have to bed her for that information?" I asked, not out of spite, just curiosity for where we now stood in this deal
If he's bedded her then everything gets more complicated, because her feelings are involved

"No, I told you, we had dinner, what business is it of yours anyway Mar? You just got married" he said calmly

"Because Lizzie is stood over there not knowing where she stands with you" I said simply
"Can I steal my wife?" Alfie interjected, gaining both our attention
"Of course" I said, taking his hand
Tommy said nothing as Alfie led me away for a photo

"So, how do you feel Mrs Solomons?" He asked, standing waiting for the photo to be taken
"Like the happiest woman on earth" I answered
"Good, cause I'm the happiest man on earth right now dove, so it's only fitting" he smiled

A proper smile
One I had never seen him let out in public
Or in front of any Shelby.

We went to one of my bars for the after drinks, at around 1pm Arthur had drank most of the bar dry
Everybody seemed to have a good time and yet there were some faces that were easy to pick out
Tommy sat very stoic
Polly was upbeat and yet you could tell she was missing Michael

Alfie was holding Carter over by the bar, talking to Aila so I took my chance to get some air outside
Sometimes everything just becomes a little too much.

And I need little moments of silence

I craved to light a cigarette, but Polly's words that I may soon be pregnant swirled in my head
Her predictions weren't always right
But I think I was scared more than anything to go to the doctors and check

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