Start from the beginning

While Lord Lyonel sent someone to reach his son, Rhaella began the tour and listened to the various men that offered themselves. It was all the same things she's heard every other man say the past few months. Rhaella thought she would've enjoyed watching men plead their reasons to be with her, but after a while, it got dull and mundane rather quickly.

She still respectfully listened to each man though, knowing they've traveled long distances just to speak with the princess, as did she, it was the least she could do. Plus, they all served the realm and her father, it was her duty to be seen as a respectful princess and not a stubborn one. And after going through half the line of men, old, strong, frail and even young boy's, Lord Lyonel's son was front in line.

" The Strong's are an ancient house with a formidable army, blood of the First Men still flows in their veins," said one of the advisors appointed to Rhaella. " Go on," the advisor called out and Harys stepped forward. He was no longer in armor and instead wore a velvet black brocade with trousers and fine leather boots, jewels almost on each finger and a gold, bejeweled necklace that could've weighed as much as a medal chain.

" My Princess," he trailed off, glancing up at his father, Rhaella, and then at her sworn protector who kept his coal-like eyes narrowed onto the man. " I, Harys Strong, present myself to you and offer you everything your heart could possibly desire," he went on, the nervousness in his voice fading after each word.

" Coursed with the blood of the First Men, your history is rooted deeply into this land, and so will ours if you allow me to make my house your home." Rhaella's fingers fiddled with the Valyrian necklace she wore, a gift given to her years ago by her uncle Daemon, as she smiled down at the young man.

" If chosen as a match, Princess, your days shall be easy and content, and your nights shall be . . fulfilled and safe under my protection." Rhaella blushed while Lord Lyonel cleared his throat as the men in the court began to laugh at the hint of vulgarity, Harys biting his bottom lip to hide his smirk as he looked down at his shoes. I could get used that, she thought, a man that could make her laugh.

" You've fought in the battle on the Stepstones?" She leaned forward on her seat, her hands clasping together with an eager smile on her full lips. " Aye. I have, Princess."

" And? How was it?"

" A glorious battle, Princess. One that'll be written in books of history, for sure." Rhaella leaned back, overly pleased with the information she received and faced the advisors appointed by her father. " I'd like to end the tour now, I've found my match."

Rhaella rose from her seat and the knights of Harrenhal and Sir Criston quickly followed after her, " But Princess, we're due in The Eyrie five days time," Sir Criston said in a breath. " Lord Lyonel, please send word to the harbor and have the captain ready the ship," Rhaella ignored the knight and spoke to her advisors. " What of the rest of the tour?"

Rhaella stopped in her tracks and so did all the knights following her as she faced Lyonel, " Why would I resume a tour for suitors when I've already found someone of interest?" Instead of listening to whatever the man had to say, Rhaella walked out of the castle and made her way to leave Harrenhal. And during her boat ride home, Rhaella didn't stop thinking of her dreamy, potential suitor and couldn't wait to tell her father of her choice.

" We should make landfall within the hour, Princess," Sir Criston approached Rhaella. She leaned on the edge of the boat, looking down into the deep abyss and raised her head to see the Red Keep from a distance.

" How do you think the King will take it?" She asked, turning and facing her sworn protector. " You ending the tour early with two months remaining and rejecting almost every person His Grace could put before you? Or that you found a potential suitor?"

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