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Sand was hitting my eyes as me and all my friends rushed out of the helicopter that had rescued us

I tried to pull my hands away for a second but brought them back up immediately due to the harsh and wild wind blowing more sand into my face

I squinted my eyes and did a head count to make sure we had everyone because I have lost so many friends I'm not leaving any behind

Harriet, Sonya.? I think that's Sonya-
Lisa, Maddie, Monty, Rachel and my best friend Pippa wait who am I missing?

Aris! Shit!

I then spun on my heel and bolted back to the helicopter and groaned when I saw him fast asleep of course he would be the one to sleep through the chaos outside

I then kicked aris and he jumped up "rise and shine ya stick" I said to him and he groaned again "mornin' Faye" he mumbled not even realising we are sorta in a rush here

I then kicked him again but a lot harder and he shot up and took in his surroundings and his eyes widened when he heard the yelling and gunshots from outside

Before I could explain some random guard guy came rushing back into the helicopter "let's go kids!" He demanded and I helped aris up and we rushed out the helicopter

I watched as these guards shit some people in the distance but they were making these weird noises that's sounded so inhuman

I couldn't even get a look with all the sand blocking my view and also the guards dragging me and aris towards this massive building

I then grabbed aris hand and bolted towards the building and pulled myself out of the guards grip as well

Once we got in the building someone immediately shut the door and I looked around doing another head count and breathed out in relief when I realised that everyone is here

"Faye!" I heard someone say and I looked up to see pippa and she engulfed me into a hug and I hugged her back since the girl clearly needed a hug right now

Pippa was my fellow searcher we searched the maze for an escape out of it.. she's my best friend and I honestly am so glad that she and all my other close friends made it out

Of course I'm devastated about the friends I did lose but I am also glad that all my other close friends are okay if that makes sense

Then all the girls started whispering to each other freaking out and Harriet our leader turned to us "all right quite down hold your heads up so we don't look like chickens with no heads alright ya sticks!" She said loudly and everyone did as told

I walked over to her and Sonya "what do we do now?" I whispered to them and both girls turned to me and shrugged "I don't know yet but for now we need to figure out where we are" Harriet said and I turned to her

"Really?! thought we could just stay here and I don't know start a fire and sing some songs maybe even find a ukulele!" I told her sarcastically and both girls gave me a disapproving look

"Stuff it Faye" Sonya scolded and I raised my hands in mock surrender "what? I was just saying it's obvious we need to work out where we are!" I said defending my sarcasm

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