Part 33

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I don't know

These three words are just roaming in my mind, somewhere I know that she is my mother my mama but I still cannot trust her I want nothing but hug her tightly and never leave her again but I cannot something inside me is stopping me from doing so

Alexa has been really helping me through all this the nightmares are now thankfully gone as its been few months since I met mother and she hasn't contacted me since then

"I am not sure If I can wear this today" Alexa says eyeing her dress which I bought for her birthday last year and she said she loved it

Fun fact: I never saw her wearing it

"why not?" I focus my eyes on the dress

"Its just that.. it- it doesn't go with my heels" she say quickly "guess we are gonna wear it some other day" she chuckles nervously and took the dress inside the walk in closet

I followed her "but I never saw you wearing it" I push the topic

She turn around with dress on one hand she blinks "no n-no I have" she gave me a look "I have worn it, do you think I haven't!?" She says in high pitch voice

I stare at her blinking

She roll her eyes groaning "Fine!"

She puts the dress on the chair and turn towards me "So.." she clears her throat "this dress, well it is nice believe me it is. but the colour" she pursue her lips "its bad"

"You said you loved it" I say deadpanned

She looks at me annoyed "that colour looks like I just stepped out of the toilet and not a person now you know what I mean"

I make disgusting face "I am sorry I'll buy you new one and... your favourite colour" I say with guilty face

She pouts "Aww my poor baby its alright I don't need a dress, come here" she opens her arm

I smile widely like a kid would when he gets his favourite candy, she hugged me caressing my back then playing with my hair she loves to do that "you're too sweet to be true" she mumble I smile

She backs off and kisses me slowly with those soft lips she chuckled I frown her thumb went upto my lips and she wiped it "remember when I said I don't need a dress?" She asked I nod "Forget that, I need it" she said it seriously, I couldn't help but smile "your wish is my command, my queen" I took her hand and kiss it


We are now on our way to Harry's business partner's house, its his engagement party party all of harry's partners and friends will be there so I had to dress nicely
I chose the midnight blue dress which was long and went till my foot it hugged my body nicely and it was backless

Harry was fall in love all over again when he saw me wearing this dress, I like it when he compliments me I want him to do it everytime

"who's this business partner I forgot to ask" I ask harry who was caressing my knuckles with his thumb, He looked up at me "He is my great business partner, Mr John Watson, helped me through alot of things and guided me I owe him alot" He says

I smile and kissed his forehead he love it when I do it, he love all the things I do

"Who's the lady?" I asked out of curiosity
He shook his head "I don't know yet but Mr John talk about her very fondly"

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