"Sure Bones. I'll watch you this time. Long as you guys don't knock each other into me like last time." Alexis says as Bones smiles nervously.

"Sorry about that. It won't happen again. Though I think you shocked Val pretty good when you rammed him and knocked his breath away as a result." Bones says as he laughs slightly while looking over at Valiente who is ramming horns with Guapo.

"Serves him right for knocking everyone into me. I'm not a fighter but if I'm forced don't think I won't fight back in defense." Alexis says as she looks over at Valiente.

"Yeah but that doesn't change that you're still an amazing person. You're different. I like that. Anyways got a preference on a song?" Bones asks as he smiles.

"You pick this time." Alexis says as Bones starts the music on the boom box with his horn before he starts dancing around causing Alexis to smile and shake her head at him as she watches him while laying down.


"Didn't think I'd see you out here watching us train tonight gorgeous." Valiente says as he goes over to Alexis as she is laying down while Bones is ramming horns with Guapo.

"Bones talked to me into it. Just don't let their be a repeat of last time." Alexis says as she looks up at Valiente.

"No worries. Unless you know you want me to be close to you. Then we can always head into the barn for some time alone." Valiente says as he smirks.

"Yeah no thanks. Not interested Valiente." Alexis says.

"Oh come on. There's gotta one bull you're interested in." Valiente says.

"And why would I tell you such information? Even if I am interested in someone that is your business how?" Alexis asks.

"Still feisty as always. You'll come around." Valiente says as he walks away from Alexis.

"That's what you think. Come on bones. You can beat Guapo." Alexis thinks to herself as she is watching Bones ramming horns with Guapo before the group see a very large black bull crash through some doors with Lupe beside him causing everyone to stop what they're doing and look at them.

"Whoa." The bull says as he sees the other bulls but doesn't notice Alexis.

"Hey guys. How you doing? Lupe in the house." Lupe says as she hops up onto a tire.

"You suck Lupe!" One of the bulls shouts.

"Oh yeah? I used to suck but not anymore. Let me introduce you to the new guy. He's a a monster and I'm his couch and did I mention that he is my closest dearest bff.. What did you say your name was?" Lupe asks as she goes over to the black bull.

"Ferdinand? Is that you?" Bones asks as his voices cracks while he and the others look at the black bull.

"Hey! That is a ridiculous name! tell them your real name killer." Lupe says as she nudges the black bull.

"Yeah. It's me Ferdinand. Hey guys." Ferdinand says nervously as he steps forward.

"Wait a minute you know these chumps?" Lupe asks shocked.

"Whew. Little Ferdinand. You've had a growth spurt. Suddenly I regret all those times I called you weirdo." Bones says as he walks over to Ferdinand.

"Don't sweat it Bones. We're good." Ferdinand says kindly as he smiles.

"My gosh! What have they been feeding you!?" Guapo asks as he goes over to Ferdinand looking at him.

"Oh hey. Guapo?" Ferdinand asks as he looks at Guapo.

"The one and only. You think you can come back here and intimidate us!? Well let me tell you something I am not intimidated by your freakish hugeness. Oh momma." Guapo says as he walks away from Ferdinand.

"I don't know you but I'm not scared if you ya sorry sack of meat! You're in the front of me nostrils!" Angus says aggressively as he is standing next to Ferdinand.

"Angus you're talking to his butt." Lupe says as she laughs before Angus blows the hair out of his eyes momentarily.

"I won't take any lip from the likes of you ya flea bitten goat!" Angus says as he turns to look at Lupe causing her to chuckle.

"Uh now you're talking my butt." Lupe says as she wags her tail causing Angus to blow the hair out of his eyes.

"Out of my way!" Angus says as he walks over away from Ferdinand as Bones walks over to beside Alexis.

"Uh few new faces around here since I left. Who's she?" Ferdinand asks as he noticed Alexis beside Bones.

"Ferdinand this is Alexis. She was brought here not long as after you left." Bones says as Alexis look at Ferdinand.

"Wait they brought a girl to be a fighter?" Ferdinand asks worriedly.

"She's not a fighter. But that don't mean she's someone to mess with either." Bones says.

"I'm a show and a breeding cow. Although I haven't bred with anyone but it's pretty common sense in a place like this. Especially if they haven't separated me by now from the bulls that could be the only sensible reason." Alexis says as she goes over to Ferdinand.

"So did they bring you from another farm?" Ferdinand asks curiously.

"You can say that. I got loose one day and well the humans who own this place found me and brought me here. As for the others they are Angus and Maquina. They're not too bad once they get to know you." Alexis says.

"Nice to know. You seem different somehow than others I've met." Ferdinand says.

"Just make sure you respect my boundaries and we'll get on fine. I may not look like much but I can still give any bull a run for his hay if he makes me mad enough." Alexis says as she walks over to beside Bones.

"Look what the goat dragged in." Valiente says.

"Hey Val." Lupe says.

"Valiente?" Ferdinand asks.

"He remembers. Oh I'm touched." Valiente says as he comes over and pushes Bones harshly.

"Hey!" Bones says as Alexis moves away to avoid getting knocked to the ground but doesn't move fast enough to have Bones pushed into her and knock her off balance and onto the ground.

"Didn't see you two there. Sorry little lady. Didn't mean to knock you down." Valiente says as he smirks at Alexis causing her to give him a dirty look as she gets up.

"What do you mean you didn't see us? Oh I get it. It's because we're small. You know what you are? A sizest!" Bones says as Valiente snorts at him aggressively causing Bones to immediately shut up and lower his head.

"Enough val." Alexis says as Valiente looks at her and smiles.

"What's the matter Bones? Need a pretty lady to stand up for you?" Valiente says.

"I don't need anyone to stand for me. Especially not some girl. I stand on my own." Bones says angrily.

"I'm not standing up for you. I'm saying enough because it's bad enough you lot do this during training. Can't have one moment of peace without you bulls going at it over something. I swear that's all you lot know how to do sometimes." Alexis says sourly.

"Come on guys. Try to be nice to the lass. She's just trying to help." Angus says as Bones and Valiente look at him.

"Leave it be Angus. Not worth dealing with. When is it ever worth dealing with anyways? Look Ferdinand I wish you the best of luck here. You're gonna need it." Alexis says as she goes over to beside the barn and lays down outside as the others go into the barn.

The Heart Of A Bull Ferdinand Bones X OC AlexisWhere stories live. Discover now