Ariel's Ascension

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Ariel was enjoying a drink at a ruined tavern within Coorhagen. She had just buried Kain-Raziel.
Ariel sighed. She finished her last drink in honor of her fallen friends. She got up. Put on Malik's Helmet. And off she went; more than ready to take on the Hylden Highlord: Hanbi.

Ariel Areia was trodding the lanes of majestic Meridian. The city had not lost its luster despite the many years. Meridian was still as breathtaking as the first time Ariel had laid eyes upon her... Meridian was where she had had her honeymoon. This is also where Kain had met the first Hylden to pass through the Hylden Gate. Ariel stood before the aforementioned gate. She steadied her breathing. Checked to see if Sacnoth was still at her side. The sword blinked happily at her, as if to say:
" I will always be there for you. "
Ariel gently clapped the loyal blade. She then passed through the Hylden Gate, teleporting to the Demon Dimension; whereupon she found herself standing within: The Hylden Highlands. The whole place and scenery were surreal. Truly a work of wonder.
" Don't get why they would want to leave this place. " said Ariel, still recovering from the aweness. Her aweness quickly turned to awareness, as Ariel was surrendered by various looking Hylden. Ariel smiled, and simply said:
" Please don't make this easy. "
The fight, sadly, proved to be easy.
The minions were easily dealt with, and it was now high time for the main event, as Ariel stood before the Hylden Highlord: Hanbi.
He was monstrous. Herculean, and very scary. Even Ariel had to admit:
" Even I'm a bit frightened... "
Sacnoth too looked scared. Hanbi spoke, with a deep and booming voice:
" You are not our adversary. "
" Kindly explain. "
" The Hylden had comms with the vampires. And you appear more angelic than vampiric. "
" Why, thank you. "
" Which begs the question: why are you here? "
" Well. I may not be vampiric, but my dear friends were, and you guys killed them. Sooooo: an eye for an eye? And all that. "
Hanbi's green flaming eyes stirred a bit.
" So it is revenge? "
" More or less. "
" Well. At least it's honest. "
Ariel donned her helmet, as Hanbi rose. This battle to be's foundation was not made from hate, but mutual respect. The two fighters drew forth their respective weapons, and with that: the battle commenced. Blow after blow. Destruction after destruction. It was a good thing that this battle took place within the Demon Dimension; for earth  would never have survived this clash between these two titans. Ariel managed to deliver the final stroke, and with that: Hanbi fell onto the ground... dead.
And with that:
Ariel became: The Hylden Highness, as the Elder God stirred within Nosgoth.
Abzû was awake.

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