0. Prolouge

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The H/c boy shouted as he was ready to punch a hole through literally anything he could.

This is our main character here, Y/n L/n. Who was was a _ year old boy who didn't give two hoots about anything but his dirtbike, and cousin. Right now, his dirtbike ain't really treating him so well...

*dirtbike starts*

Y/n: FINALLY!! Your getting a bit old, ain't ya girl?

A silence fills the garage.

Y/n: like a dirtbike is gonna answer me, heheh. Guess we should take a "stroll" now, don't need to wear you down much more, just a nice and easy, slow and calm-

*literally 5 minutes later*


And now Y/n is doing flips and ramps and all that in his dirt trail, without a care in the world.

After about a good 3 hours of riding and rough-housing, Y/n eases his way home, walking his dirtbike down the road.

Y/n: that was fun....the only joy I have left

You see, y/n was the quiet one of his school, never really talked, no friends, and he had a nice home life and all, but everyone kinda had their own lives, just a silent environment really. Y/n has really only one friend, his cousin, C/n, but they have been getting really off track lately. Mainly because C/n moved to North Carolina recently, leaving y/n to be alone.

Y/n: ...

Y/n: *sigh* welp, no sense in being all pouty about things. I reckon it could be worse.

Y/n's mind: you have school tomorrow.

Y/n: .....YEP, ALOT WORSE!

*later that night*


12:36 A:M

Y/n: dang, sleeping ain't easy tonight, is it?

I stared at my phone Lock Screen, completely awake and bored. The more I think about it, it's been rough lately without c/n here, just, nothing, boredom.

Y/n: maybe if I went back to the trail for a bit, I'd finally get tired.

I thought to myself. Me and c/n used to always do night rides secretly. Might as well do one solo..no point in sitting here awake all night.

I put on my dirtbike gear and get going.


I start walking down the road with ole fire (my dirt bike's nickname) I finally reach the dirt trail wayyyy in the woods..all sorts of curves and ramps. It's been my go-to trail since i was 7 and no one in the whole neighborhood can hear me out here. So, I start riding.


After about 40 minutes of riding, I notice a weird light coming from the woods.

Y/n: what the heck is that?

I start riding towards the woods to check the light out, but dang, it seems like I'll never find it.

Y/n: it's gotta be around here somewhere, that's a bright light anyways!

I keep following the light, now going at full speed looking for it.

Y/n: I think I'm gonna just give up now, I can't find it anywh-

All of a sudden, a weird portal thing is right in front of me...


Next thing I know, I had went through the portal thing...It immediately closed as soon as I went through it...Still going full speed, the brakes decide to fail, and now, there really ain't no stopping...

Y/n: SHIT!

All I can see now are massive trees, everywhere, no more trail...Next thing I know...


I flew right off the dirtbike going full speed...I was thrown at least 20 ft in the air, then I came crashing down...

Y/n: *groans* agh, what the heck was that..?

I noticed ole fire was completely in peices...Great, just my luck..

Y/n: Dang it...where the heck even am I...?

Great, now I'm Lord knows where..maybe I just trialed off deep in the woods and was hallucinating that portal thing...Right?

Y/n: Ugh..

Completely Forgetting I just crashed..I tried to stand up..


My leg gave out on me...anddddd yep, you guessed it, it's broken.

Y/n: Son of a-..UGHHHHH!!!!!!

At this point I'm confused, frustrated, and in pain. I took off my helmet, which was the only thing that saved me, and now pretty much useless as it was cracked from inside out. I find a pretty thick branch, good enough to hold me up and use as a crutch. I start going through the woods, looking for any sign of help.

Y/n: hello? Is anyone there? Anyone? Someone please help!!

My calls were useless, and now im starting to panic...and even worse? the branch was beginning to crack...Finally I had reached what seemed to be a large red mansion, maybe I could get help there..? By the gate was a red/orange haired lady, who seemed to be...sleeping?

Y/n: Excuse me?

She didn't budge...I tried another 2 or 3 times to get her attention..it was basically useless trying at this point..so I decided to go ahead and go through the gate.

Y/n: Finally...I can get help...

I didn't even make it to the door and the branch broke...I fell to the hard ground...feeling at least 11 broken bones from the earlier crash...

Y/n: AGHHHHHHH!!!!!!

I yelled in immense pain. I rolled the sleeve of my hoodie up and saw that I had a massive gash on my arm...loosing an immense amount of blood by the second...

Y/n: Dang, I'm feeling sleepy...

Y/n: Maybe I'll just rest... for the night.

Y/n: Yeah...I'll try again tmr...

I knew what was about to happen...

Y/n: ...I'm about to die...I know that...

Y/n ...I reckon it could've been a worse death..

Y/n: not like anyone cares anyways...heh...

No one really cares...huh...

No one ever cared...

No one will even notice I'm gone...


This is it...

At least I can go out peacefully...

I begin to loose consciousness from the blood loss...


???: So this is the noise you heard Sakuya?

???: Yes malady. He seems unconscious..he's loosing a lot of blood..but he's still breathing. Would you like us to extract his blood for you, and rid of his body?

???: No, that won't be necessary Sakuya...I've never seen a male anywhere around here before? I would like to ask him a few questions. Take him to Patchy to heal his wounds.

???: Yes malady.

That's all I heard before I finally fully blacked out...

Tears in the Rain (Flandre Scarlet x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now