Separation and Marcy's Confession

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After King Andrias told Them about The Calamity Box and The Three Temples, Anne suggest that she goes back to Wartwood with The Planters, But Marcy suggest that she stays with her, Anne and The Planters are depressed and do it anyways, Later That Day, Anne says goodbye to The Planters, "Have a safe trip back Planters, let us know when you get The Music Box and we'll send someone to come get it." Marcy said, "Thank you kindly Marcy." Hop Pop said, Anne with tears in her eyes give The Planters a hug, they head back to Wartwood, "I'm sorry Anne, it just made the most scene." Marcy said, "I know, I know, logical thing to do." Anne said, Marcy feeling bad decided to change the plan, "y'know, the more I think about it, maybe sending a servant to get the music box isn't a good idea, we need someone looking after that thing the second Hop Pop, gets it back, someone we trust." Marcy said, Anne turns around, " I'm sure I can handle the preparations by myself, I'll just pick you up on the way to The First Temple." Marcy said, Anne runs to her girlfriend giving her a hug, "Thanks Marcy, you the best girlfriend anyone has ever had, I love you so much." Anne says, Marcy tears up after hearing that, "no worries Anne, I love you too." Marcy says, "I'll miss you so much." Anne said, Marcy realizing that Anne will miss her, she has an idea, "Hey Anne, what if I come with you, I can bring everything we need to Wartwood and we can start there." Marcy said, "Really." Anne said, "yeah, I'm mean why wouldn't I but if don't, I'm fine wit-" Anne cut her off and kissed her, "I'd love it if you came to Wartwood with me." Anne said, Marcy packed all she needed and her clothes, they ran to The Planters, "Anne, Marcy?" Sprig and Hop Pop yelled, "Hey Guys, Marcy's coming with us to Wartwood, she has everything we need." Anne said, they hoped on board, "Let's go home." Anne said, Meanwhile Andrias watch everything and communicated with his master, The Core, "Everything is going to plan, My Lord, now we have them a right where we want them." Andrias said, "Then we will have our revenge against those who took away our families legacy, well done Andrias." Aldrich said. The Plan was in motion.

Later That Night...

The Planters were inside the wagon and are sleeping, Anne and Marcy are driving to Wartwood, "Anne, what was it like in Wartwood?" Marcy asked, "It took time for them to like me, one time, I almost got the town to respect me from toads, I standed up to them, I got to bond with all of Wartwood, they even voted me Frog of The Year, Sasha came and you know the rest." Anne said, "Anne, we'll find Sasha, I just know it." Marcy said, she holds Anne's hand, "Thanks Marcy." Anne said, and hour passed, "Hey Anne." Marcy said, "Yeah Marcy." Anne said, "There's something I need to tell you, but I'm afraid you'll hate me for it." Marcy said, "Marcy, you can always tell me." Anne said, Marcy tears up, "I'm so sorry Anne, I'm the one who brought us here." Marcy said, Anne is shocked, "Marcy, I whished you told me sooner but what do you mean?" Anne asked, "My Parents, My Dad got a new job out of state, I would have to move away and I wouldn't see you or Sasha again, I found The Box and it brought us here, I just needed a break, I'm so sorry Anne, I'm so sorry for everything I did to you." Marcy said with tears, Anne hugs Marcy, "Marcy, it's okay, I couldn't ever hate you, you should have told me sooner, I get it, I Forgive You Marcy." Anne said, "Thanks Anne." Marcy said, Anne strokes Marcy's cheek and wipes the tears from her eyes.

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