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"Irene, you should probably know that I don't think I've picked up a paintbrush since I was about six years old," Lisa said, feeling very unprepared as Irene laid paints out on her already color-splattered table.

"That's okay."

"Seriously, though. And it was worse than every other six-year-old art, whatever it was."

"Seriously, Lisa, I don't care. We're basically going to spatter it with paint. It doesn't even have to look good. The point is that I don't want it to look like plywood," Irene insisted, grabbing a handful of different-sized brushes from her shelf and splaying them across the table next to the paints. "I promise, it'll be easy."

"You're sure you don't just wanna do it yourself?"

"Where's the fun in that?"

"Probably in the outcome."

Irene rolled her eyes, grabbing one of the paintbrushes, dipping it into some purple paint, and then handing it over to Lisa. "Pretend like it's your hair," she said teasingly, her smile widening as Lisa begrudgingly accepted the brush. Irene dipped a second one into green paint, and then brought it over to the door, painting a meaningless, jagged line across the middle of it.

Lisa cringed. "I thought art was supposed to look pretty." Irene's laugh got a small smile out of her, though, until she realized that the purple paint on her brush was about to drip onto her clothes. Squealing, she just about slammed the brush into the door, creating a strangely shaped blob of purple paint.

"That wasn't so hard, was it?"

"I guess not."

Irene grinned. "Come on, there's nothing you wanna paint? We can cover anything up. The door is your canvas," Irene stated, winking playfully at the brunette, who looked at the door with suspicion.

"Doesn't look like a canvas."

"Oh my god, Lisa, play pretend for five seconds," Irene said, rolling her eyes and getting a small, smug smile from the younger girl.

"Okay, fine," Lisa agreed, setting down her paintbrush and grabbing for a smaller one. She dipped into some pink paint and then turned back to the door. Irene's bright brown eyes were on her as she painted two stick figures on the door, before then painting black hair on one, and brown hair on the other. "There. That's you, and that's me." She thought for a moment, getting some black paint and painting a happy face on Irene's stick figure, and a sad face on hers. "And this is how we both feel about making me paint."

Irene smirked, taking the black paint-covered brush from the younger girl and blotting out the Lisa stick figure's face. "Well, that's how I feel about how you feel about me making you paint."

"Wow, just erase my face from real life, why don't you?" Lisa glared as best as she could at the brunette, and Irene just laughed for a moment before leaning forward and pressing her lips against Lisa's softly. Lisa, distracted from the task at hand, melted a little bit, kissing Irene back instinctively.

Suddenly, though, a cold, wet paintbrush was pressed against her cheek, and she jumped back with a squeak. Irene was grinning at her mischievously. "Paint the door or I'll paint you, cutie."

Lisa raised her hand to her cheek, pulling it away to reveal the black paint all over her hand. "Oh my god, get away from me. I actually like having clothes that aren't stained."

"Last I checked, your face wasn't a part of your clothing," Irene stated, still smiling as she swapped out paintbrushes again. "Can't you please just help me paint my door?"

"Fine," Lisa agreed, smiling despite herself, because would she really turn Irene down? "So, where did you live before you moved here?"

Irene smiled a little. "Daegu."

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