a new job from a weird looking mouse...

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3rd POV

Many years ago, the Deity Arceus created three children. The first and oldest wielded the power over gravity, the second wielded the power over space, and the third wielded the power of time... However, the power of gravity was too much for the fragile universe. Because of gravity, black holes begin to form and devour nearly everything into a nearly endless, crushing void of gravity.

As a solution, Arceus banished Giratina (the god of gravity) to a entirely different dimension, one where giratina's power of gravity could be contained, due to the fact that space and time did not exist in that dimension... However the damage had already been done, and gravity leaked into the universe. Arceus at first tried to get rid of gravity, not realizing that gravity was the key to creating stable life and a stable world. After realizing this, Arceus allowed Giratina to Roam the Earth, in order to keep it stable. Eventually, Giratina was discovered by mortals who realized his power over gravity. The mortals then worshiped him as a God who held the world together, eventually however, people wanted the power of gravity to be under their control. By using rituals and prehistoric pokeballs, the greedy humans gained control over Giratina. The mortals then proceeded to use his powers for their own needs, not realizing that using the God's power for their own selfish needs, would be their undoing.

Mortals wanted to create a tower which would allow them to reach the throne of Arceus itself. These very mortals wanted to control the Creator God and force it to do their bidding, the god of gravity, however, decided that humanity had to learn a lesson, and so he controlled the weight of the Gravity surrounding the tower which pierced into space and caused it to fall over. The mortals were angry. believing that their "pet" had rebelled against them and their wishes, they hunted after the god with weapons and Pokemon. Giratina then opened a rift in between space and time, in order to escape from humanity. Of course, it was not a perfect plan, and humanity still called upon the god of gravity, however, long since forgetting his title, instead calling him the god of antimatter or the devil...... Now billions of years have passed, and the universe was remade anew. The god of gravity, however, did not know that everything had changed...

In Japan, the sky turned black as a blood red tear opened in the sky.

Emerging from the tear, the god of gravity watched the mortal world.

Intrigued, they decided to continue watching... They saw a mortal child rushing up towards a ginormous beast made of green sludge, reminding Giratina a lot of a muk but green...

The human child with broccoli hair ran up towards monster despite not having a Pokemon. The God was confused... "Why isn't he using his Pokemon? Isn't that how mortals defended themselves? Is this child just a glutton for punishment?

Upon seeing that human child was running towards what would most likely be his death, Giratina decided to intervene...

Izuku's POV

Well this was it... I tried my best to save kaachan, and it didn't work... Maybe all might was right... I closed my eyes and prepared for the worst... Until out of nowhere a purple light emanated in front of me, it looked like a crack in space, the crack then widened as a huge claw shaped attack made of purple energy broke through space and sliced the sludge villain apart...

"Shadow ball!" I Heard a voice speak from all around me as a black and purple orb of energy was shot at the sludge villain and completely obliterated it... I opened my eyes fully as I saw the hero who had saved me.

"Fear not mortal, for I I'm here!" The mysterious hero said as the sludge villain exploded into a large burst of black goo which instantly disintegrated

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"Fear not mortal, for I I'm here!" The mysterious hero said as the sludge villain exploded into a large burst of black goo which instantly disintegrated...

Before anything else, the hero then said goodbye and walked into a portal... I hope I can meet that beautiful hero again, I need to properly thank her for saving my life!

3rd POV

Giratina opened a portal into a nearby alleyway, she then found a group of five humans trying to mug what appeared to be a Rattata that was albino. "Bishaaan!" Giratina yelled as the humans ran away in fear.

She then picked up the mouse creature and held it in her hands. "Are you all right?" She asked as the small rat creature then bowed. "Yes I am quite all right, thank you for the rescue there... Miss..." The Ghost type progenitor then chuckled out her name. "Giratina" the mouse then spoke "thank you Miss Giratina for the help... Say, I know you are not a registered hero, which means you're an illegal vigilante... So how would you feel about working for me? I'll pay you handsomely and you will of course become a registered hero which is not illegal." The tiny mouse thing said as it then scurried off for speaking one last time.

"If you want to accept or deny my offer, meet me at these coordinates" the mouse creature said as it gave Giratina a small paper with a address on it.

The goddess of antimatter looked at the piece of paper, she hated being used... But she could see that the world had changed greatly, people like Cyrus and volo seemed to walk around all over the place with unpredictable and chaotic powers not unlike those of pokémon...

There also seemed to be people who were worth protecting like the child she saved earlier... It seemed like the other gods had left long ago, the game and the world had changed, they need a protector... They needed someone like Giratina...

She looked at the piece of paper and went to the location, a huge blue glass building with people walking in and out.

She carefully walked in and followed the piece of paper which told her to go to a specific room. Giratina soon found themself in front of the white men's creature again, now shaking hands with the creature as it gave a cheeky smile and spoke.

"Welcome to U.A. Tina, you'll be the second teacher for class 1A!"

End of Chapter

(Sorry it's so short, I would have made it at least 500 words longer but I'm kind of on a time crunch and I've got to go. I hope you enjoy this chapter after so long, remember none of my books are ever dead or discontinued!)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27 ⏰

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An old God in a New world (Giratina OC x Yandere MHA)Where stories live. Discover now