𝟒𝟒 | 𝐓𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐬 & 𝐃𝐞𝐜𝐞𝐢𝐭𝐟𝐮𝐥 𝐥𝐢𝐞𝐬

Start from the beginning

"That's not bad, in fact it's genius....particularly with a group that's small can slip by, undetected," Hanji says, while trailing into deep thought. Lifting the small fragment in thought, "Even in moments of the deepest despair....I guess we can still find hope, huh?"

"Yeah," Armin light heartedly agrees. "Just bear in mind though, the whole plan hinges whether or not Eren can seal the hole again."

Eren gasps in realisation, wondering if the first would even work.

Hanji's scoffs, "It's uh probably unfair of me to even ask, but do you think you can?"

All eyes were on him who seemed rather nervous, as silence falls upon the wagon and all around. He was rather hesitant, trying to gain the confidence if he can do the task Hanji asked of him. Everything was new, fresh in his mind, but even rusty with the ability.

"What he really thinks, isn't really the issue," Levi broke the silence, seeing the hesitation stirring inside the young boy. His piercing blue eyes shift to the young soldier, "You either will, or you won't.......that's the reality. Our comrades are breaking their backs, but without you, it's nothing. Failure isn't an option."

Eren's posture straightens, before sternly nodding.

"Sir! I know, I'm prepared to do whatever it takes!" Eren confirms he won't fail. "That's a promise.........."


EHRMICH DISTRICT - (Levi's pov:)

Finally arriving safely at Ehrmich  District, many people were flooding the streets from outside the District that was in the titan zone. My eyes narrowed with frustration, but wat pissed me off even more, was this damn Priest had no clue how these people suffered to survive. 

Trailing behind the wavering Priest down the stairs, I kicked his rear behind to keep moving forward.

"No one said stop!" I scold him sternly, already feeling disgusted by this son of a bitch. "Rolling stone gathers no moss."

The Priests eyes were wide, horrified by the sight before him. People trailing down together, cries, and silent screams of suffering.

"T-this is....." he utters out, while I clench my jaw.

"Maybe you expected to see something quaint?" I sarcastically question him, bitterness lacing in my tone. "This is what happens, when the walls give."

The Priest stumbles forward about to help, when I slam my hand on his shoulder with abrupt force.

"No! Take it in holy man, these are the faces of human beings who lost everything they ever had," my eyes darken, while enduring the suffering. The darkened expression upon the civilians, hollow eyes of pain, and despair. "Human beings you and your kind abandoned incidentally, hard to look at it I imagine......."

Judging by his face he was unaware of what was really happening, or was only revealed once in his life. 

"....But if the church had their way, this would be all of us. Titans would pour in and make a feast of what's left, shoveling man, woman and child down their putrecid gullets. All humanity would be digested as one."

Grabbing his collar harshly  shove him forward, heading back to where Hanji and the others were. Feeling rather pathetic with my sprained leg, all I wanted was to see her. To make sure she's alright and well, but a part of me must stay to watch over this idiot. Things were growing dire, and these people needed our aid.

"Section Commander, we're pressed for time," I hear moblit usher Hanji, yet they were eager to know the Priests thoughts.

Entering the main Scout facility, four eyes rushes towards the Priest who remained quiet since I revealed the crowded street of miserable families and elderly.

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