o. chapter fifteen

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Ten Years Later 

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Ten Years Later 

Queen Maegelle enters the poorly lit room. Her body ached, and her legs have been standing far too long. The entire kingdom was in chaos, a new rebellion emerged from Stepstones — prompting for her to return late at night. For the entire week, she forced herself to be sated with the sleeping form of her husband and children — watching as they sleep, and leaving before they could wake up. 

She stumbles upon the small table, removing the crystal necklace that adorned her narrow neck. She could hear someone breath from behind her. "Why are you still awake?" the corners of her mouth turned upwards, dropping the necklace on the table. "I find our bed cold without you." Daemon replied, wrapping his hands around her body. 

The people of the seven kingdoms expected Daemon to hold real power during his wife's reign. They expected for him to become a puppeteer, but to everyone's surprise, he remained in the sidelines, even refusing any positions of power — just so he could raise his wife higher. 

"Should I warm it for you?" she replied tiredly, feeling him press lousy kisses on her neck. "How could I refuse such offer?" he chuckled, resting his head on her shoulders. He was taller by a few inches. His ragged palms fit perfectly on the sides of her waist. 

She turns her head in his direction, her smile deepening as she sees his face illuminated by the soft candlelight. With a swift and slow motion, her body was lifted off the ground and she was carried to their shared bed. 

"I worry about you, my wife." he confessed, massaging her palms and smiling delicately at her figure. "You come home in late hours. You hardly have time for our children." he added, and a chuckle escapes from her lips. "You sound like a nagging wife, Daemon." she jested, pulling his face closer and pressing a kiss on his cheek. "But my worries are not misplaced." he responded. 

He leaned down, settling his head on the soft pillows, raising the blanket above their clothed body. His slender fingers inched towards her body once more, and a sigh escapes his pink lips. 

"I am Queen now. When my father was King, he used to return late at night too." she explained softly, but still taking his grievances in mind. "There are certain things we lose." she said further and he stares into her eyes. 

Maegelle was half-duty and half-love. 

"You need someone to share the burden with. I've tried to stand and watch — but I can't. I want to share this burden with you." he proposed and her frown softened. 

"Then it is settled. You shall be my hand." she decided eagerly, wrapping her arms around him and burying her face in his chest. 

His fingers moved again, and trailed over her red gown. She smiled at his touch, playing with his soft blonde locks. "I am moved by your beauty, my queen." he whispered, placing a finger inside her corset and unweaving it with delicate ease. "When are you not?" she chuckled, interlocking their lips together. "So eager." he mumbled, as she deepened the kiss. 

He was a contented man. He's found happiness in the arms of the woman he loved. No more forcing, or coaxing something that wasn't destined. 

Before he could remove his lady-wife's gown, the door creaked loudly — Daemon's head turned towards the sound of the noise. His eyebrows furrowed, preparing himself to scold the unlucky intruder. His frown mellowed, seeing the small figure of Daenyra and Viserys. "Ma," Viserys ran towards Maegelle with tears flowing from his eyes. "Are you alright?" Maegelle opened her arms, embracing her youngest son. 

Daemon immediately sat down, opening his arms for littlest Daenyra. "What happened?" he inquired, attempting to wipe the small tears from his daughter's eyelids. "Daelos and Cregan wouldn't let us join them." Daenyra complained, her father sighed. "Where are they going?" he interrogated, trying to peak through the windows — his oldest sons were born of mischief, they always enjoyed riding their dragon at late hours. 

"They wanted to visit Jaehaerys, and we wanted to come!" she reported. Daenyra was her brother (Daelos') shadow. Wherever he went, she was sure to follow. "It's too late to go dragon-riding." Daemon defended earning a huff from his youngest son. 

"Exactly. Cregan is ten and Daelos is nine. They shouldn't be out." Maegelle groaned, reaching for her robes that were on top of the bed-frame. 

Daemon reaches for her body, pulling her close and halting her movement. "They're safe. They're with their dragons." he whispered, seeing how tired his wife was. 

"I don't trust Cregan with his dragon, must I remind you of the last time?" she argued, but he rolls his eyes. "He'll be fine — Dreamfyre won't let those fuckers out her eyesight." he mumbled, laying back down and embracing his daughter. 

"Language," Maegelle replied, also laying down and placing Viserys between them. 

"We'll take you both dragon-riding tomorrow. I promise." Maegelle pressed a kiss on both of their heads, before allowing sleep to embrace her tired figure. 

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