Chapter 3: Slums Fun

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I groaned as I walk on the streets of Lungmen. It's too peaceful which is...good! But what should I do now? Exploding another guy without Bronya's concern would make her mad...

I went around the slums and saw several people running around. Some of them wear weird uniforms, they were talking to each other. Seems like the guys in weird uniforms are trying to make a deal or recruit the people in the slums.

(Woah, should I do another roleplay? It looks fun. But maybe another time.)

I wander around this city and went around huge buildings undetected. This should be a crime, right? Well, as long as they don't find out, it's never a crime.

"It's still boring..." I went back to the slums in hope of finding something interesting, and guess what? I did.

"That girl and those kids must still be around here. Don't let her go away!" A man said from a distance.

"Oooooo!" I went with them and blend in with them. I doubt they even realize that I wasn't on their team.

As I, no, 'we' search the slums. Eventually, we ended up finding some kids who were supposed with a certain girl. The guys start threatening the kids to tell them the location of the girl, though it seems like the kids don't know about it. As this continuously happens, someone throws small rocks toward the guy who's holding the collar of the boy's shirt.

"Hm?" I turn around and saw two people. One's body is fully covered except for the eyes, the other one seems young.

 One's body is fully covered except for the eyes, the other one seems young

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

(Oho, let's see how this gonna play out

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

(Oho, let's see how this gonna play out.)

The person let go of the boy and start walking toward the guy who was throwing the rocks. The young girl stood up for the guy, then shoot a projectile to the ground, creating an explosion that made the big dude fall. Then, use her Arts to warn all the other people.

"This is your only warning. Leave this place immediately." The girl said, warning all of us.

"Sh-She knows how to use A-Arts?!" One said, surprised of course.

"I didn't sign up for this!" The big dude said as he ran away and call the girl a monster.

(Oh, that's sad, she's about an age older or younger than Bronya. Or maybe I'm wrong?)

The girl seems surprised for a second to see me still not leaving. Ah right, I was roleplaying.

I took out a dagger and hold it against the boy's neck. The girl and the other guy start to be wary of me and my action.

"Alright, sorry, but I'm not dumb like them. I know that there's a hostage I could use." I said, smirking.

"Let go of the boy!" The girl said.

"Alright," I said, taking back my dagger.

Everyone in the scene seems surprised.

"Hey hey... I'm not a part of them. I actually doubt that they even realize I'm not on their team. By the way, sorry for the trouble. Why don't we start with some introduction?"

"Why do you think we should trust you?" The girl asked.

"Why not?" I asked her back. She looks at the doctor and they seem to be talking to each other for a bit.

"Alright then... I'm Amiya and this is the Doctor."

"Ah, the Doctor? I've heard one or more stuff about it. To be honest, your gender and name have always been a mystery. I like it... You can call me Wanderer."

After the simple introduction, a medic came and treat the boy's wound.

"Uh, so... Mr. Wanderer."

"Eh, mr? Cmon, just call me Nii-san. That sounds better, don't you think so?" I said with a cheerful smile.

"B-But..." Amiya becomes red. "Nii-san..."

"Hehe, I was just playing with you. I mean, you did seem a little younger than me or maybe not. But it's fine, you could call me that." I said, chuckling for a bit.

"N-Nii-san, why were you with those guys before?" Amiya asked after staying silent for a bit, her face stops being red. I guess that means she's serious now.

"Just a simple role-playing if you asked. Now my turn, are you perhaps the leader of Rhodes Island?" I asked. When I'm asking about this, they seem somewhat surprised.

"Y-Yes I am," Amiya replied, stuttering a bit.

"Oh, so those guys words really are facts," I mumbled quietly, remembering the things that a guy from Ursus told me before.

"Uh, Nii-san... What are you doing here in the slums? You don't seem to be an Infected." Amiya asked.

"Ah, living in Lungmen takes some effort. Meanwhile, if you live in the slums, the chances of having a peaceful life are guaranteed to be high."  I said. She doesn't seem to understand what I just said though.

(We're questioning each other too much.)

Amiya then went to the kids nearby to check on them. Despite being the leader of Rhodes Island, she's still a kid. She has yet to learn what it means to lead others.

"Bunny lady! Help Misha-onee-chan, please!" The boy said.

"There are bad guys chasing Misha-onee-chan." The white-haired girl said.

(I've heard what I need. I should go... Oh, before that! Better leave them a letter!)

I throw a letter while covering myself in Arts as I sprint silently away. I've prepared the letter just in case I ended up meeting someone and needed to vanish away as soon as possible.

Amiya POV

"She said we'd be in danger if we stay together... She's on the run alone now!" The white-haired girl said.

"She's being chased?"

"Maybe those men just now." Doctor said.

"It looks like there's more to this," Amiya said, thinking about it.

"Oh right, Nii-san-" Just as I turn around, I couldn't see Wanderer anywhere.

"Where's Nii-san? Did he just disappear? But how? He was just here... There isn't even any trace left of him." Just as I was about to turn back to the children, I saw a letter lying on the ground.

(What's this lying on the ground?)

I unfold the letter and saw its content. (Eh?!)


"To be honest, I'm curious about the content of the letter. I forgot since that letter is 1 year old. Meh, I hope it's fine." I said, rushing to the city in search of 'her'.

[Pause] Arknights|Infamous Terranजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें