More than Meets the Eye (Part 2)

Start from the beginning


"Ningning, you're being too rough! Come on calm down! I'm going to put this under my shirt and let's see you take it that way!"

"You say that when you're—ah~ There it is again! You're tickling me again! Stop it Jae-in—ah~ I'm going to continue to slap you! Don't you dare put it in without me noticing~ I'm—ah~ I'm going to tear your shirt off of you!"

Irene and Yujin's respective eyes were wide in shock with everything they just had heard as it was utterly suspicious. Thankfully for them, Jae-in and the girl he called Ningning seemed to not have noticed their combined presence just yet. Nevertheless, with the rather interesting and admittedly sexual noises she has heard, Irene immediately gestured for Yujin to follow despite the younger's protests. Yoon Jae-in's older sister was sweating in combined attempt to control her from confronting the mature noises she has been hearing for the past minutes. With quiet steps, she finally made her way out of the entrance hallway, preparing herself for the worst, and the sight was more than enough to take her and even Yujin's breath away.

Jae-in was there, lying with his back on the couch. One of his hands outstretched while the other grasped the waist of a woman straddling him. The woman, of which Jae-in called as 'Ningning', had her arms on the opposite side of Jae-in's face whilst she rested on him, rendering her body perfectly on top of him while she sat on his thighs. There was still a ghost of their combined giggle just as they lay paused staring at each other. It was either this Ningning girl was lost on a world with Yoon Jae-in or she utterly sensed the presence of a different set of people with them, and it was apparent which was clear amongst the two assumptions.

Ningning turned her face on the spot to confirm her suspicions and she was met with both Yujin and Irene's eyes staring at their interesting position. Jae-in followed suit, rendering his and Ningning's faces close to each other, connected by both their resting cheeks. There was a pause between them; a lingering tension up in the air that no one knew how to break. Even Jae-in and Ningning were not even minding the awkward position they were in, merely in equal manner of shock just as the two ladies held their mouths in surprise.






And then it sunk in him.

Jae-in realized the entire situation in one drop and his first, immediate reaction was to throw Ningning off of him, unfortunately sending her tumbling towards the floor of the couch while they both struggled to get to their feet.



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All supplies of adrenaline might as well have pumped themselves into Yoon Jae-in's system, along with the multiple layers of shame he began to sink himself into as the seconds went by. The more that he attempted to get up on his feet, the messier things became for him to even look as decent as he could possibly get. Add to that the realization that his sister as well as his bestfriend were standing and waiting for things to dial down, in addition to the fact that he literally threw Ningning off of his figure made the situation worse. He felt his blood vessels pumping hard as he might as well pop a vein in shame.

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