First Date

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"NO! It's gonna fall!" Your son screeched from the living room. And as you continued to chop up your taco meat in the pan, you heard a heavy thump on the ground and an excited giggle from the four-year-old.

Sometimes it was hard to believe that there was a hundred-year difference between the two of them. Ben's developing motor skills and small size gave him a slight disadvantage as he played his favorite Bluey game, and Bucky was far too invested in how high he could get their high score. Keepy Uppy experts, they called themselves, smacking a balloon this way and that trying to keep it off of the floor.

You weren't sure your downstairs neighbors would be as excited about it as they were. But it was beyond adorable, and you didn't have the heart to make them stop.

It hadn't taken long for Bucky Barnes to find a place for himself in your lives, and it had been far easier to get him through your door since that first night he came over for dinner. It started with dinners here and there until he was almost expected at the table each night. Ben wanting to show off his school projects had turned into after-school play dates, which then became a demanding four-year-old and a super soldier on call, ready to be at your doorstep in a moment's notice.

One of those first few afternoons you had half a mind to apologize, to tell him he was allowed to tell Ben 'no' and do his own thing. But he walked in with a sweet smile and soft touches, greeting Ben with equal enthusiasm. Before you could even get it out, Bucky made sure you knew that he was exactly where he wanted to be.

When it was just the two of you, Ben would often tell you that Bucky was his best friend. And after you put him to bed, you felt like a schoolgirl with a crush when Bucky's nightly text messages came in. "Bedtime went okay?" translated to it's my turn to talk to you, which never failed to bring a giddy smile to your face.

"MAMA!" You snapped your head up in Ben's direction, seeing the blue balloon floating across the counter that divided your kitchen and your living room. Glancing at Bucky, he gave you a wink as his eyes danced between you and the balloon.

With both boys looking at you with anticipation, how could you deny them?

Resting your spatula against the pan, you scurried to the counter and got up on your toes, leaning across it to smack the balloon back into the living room where Ben bounced over to it. You watched them for a few moments, smiling to yourself as you watched the brick wall of a man play so sweetly with Ben, complete with goofy faces and exaggerated movements just to make him laugh.

That shouldn't have been all it took to make you absolutely head over heels for him. And yet you had to physically make yourself look away and focus on cooking dinner to avoid watching him with heart eyes. Logically, watching a man play well with your four-year-old shouldn't have been the root of your affections... but it was kind of hard for it to be anything else when Ben was always with you.

"Hey, we kept it up twenty-four times, that's pretty good!" Bucky reasoned from the living room, alerting you to the fact that their game of Keepy Uppy had ended.

"Let's do it again! We'll really beat the high score this time," Ben said enthusiastically, and Bucky gave a deep chuckle.

"How about you start this round without me? See how far you can get by yourself, okay? I'll be back in a sec," he reasoned, leaving the four-year-old to count to himself.

Before you could process that he was coming to see you, one of Bucky's large hands smoothed over the middle of your back. Your body instinctively leaned into his touch, and you tried to cover it up by turning to meet his gaze, finding him leaning against the counter beside you with a cocked brow.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2022 ⏰

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