EP3 : Out of Control

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My definition of a good start to a working day is to wake up right when the alarm clock goes off without feeling so much tired and without wishing that I could go back to sleep, driving through traffic from the condo to work without being paralyzed in the congestion and not needing to wait in a long queue for coffee at ground floor of the office building.

And, not having to see a certain person as the first person of the day.

"Good morning," a low and slightly rasping voice that I did not want to hear greeted me as I was walking into the office building. King, in a light blue shirt and dark gray trousers, was taking long steps behind me into the building.

I grunted in frustration in my throat and tried to speed up my steps.

There were so many people out there. Why did I have to meet him as the first person of the day? My luck must have run out today.

"Why are you walking so fast? Are you avoiding me?"

As King has longer legs than me, he could eventually catch me up with me. His sharp eyes gleamed with joyfulness while I went straight to the elevators where other employees were also waiting in lines. I glanced at the elevator floor displays above the doors which were displaying the changing floor numbers, without paying any attention to the person next to me.

"You're not answering me. How cold-hearted."

"Shut up. What are you blabbering about this early?" I mumbled and gazed at him in annoyance.

"I just greeted a friend as usual," King continued, ignoring what I had said. He lifted his elbow and put it on my shoulder and lowered his head while speaking in a lower voice, "we've already shared an experience until late night. How can you not expect me to greet a friend like you?"

His voice sounded so sneaky that it was not trustworthy. I turned towards him and asked coldly.

"What experience are you talking about?"

"The experience we had together when there was a brownout when we were working overtime last week," he raised an eyebrow while looking at me. "Why? What were you thinking about?"


"Is that so?"

As he saw me looking at him crossly, he grinned and lowered his head even more towards me. His sharp eyes were full of joy, and he said softly.

"What are you thinking, Mr. Anon? Or do you want to have another kind of experience with me?"

"It is bad enough as it is. Don't make me have any more experience with you," I responded without any attempt to be considerate of his feelings and moved away from him to relieve my shoulder of that heavy elbow of his. "Oh, Uea. You're so damn mean," he pretended to resent, but I did not care because, for me, King was only my best friend's friend, and my best friend's friend did not have to be a friend of mine. He and I only worked in the same company where we rarely collaborated, and I did not wish to have anything to do with him any more than I already did.

Speaking fairly and putting his flirty habits aside, I could see that King is a fairly okay person. He took serious responsibility for his work without failing any of his tasks, he was generous and always helped other people. Nevertheless, I did not want to be friends with the person who got on my nerves all day long.

He was obnoxious by choice.

"Hey, about that night..."

"Umm...," uttered a sweet little voice from behind.

I turned around to see a pretty lady in a professional-looking blouse and a sweet-colored skirt. Her clear cheeks had pink blush-on applied on which I thought she may have applied the brush on her cheeks too heavily hence the deep color.

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