Lord help this cast

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Noah: It's 8 in the fucking morning shut up

Courtney: It's 11 am??

Noah: Bitch what

Noah: We live in different timezones don't we

Courtney: Prob

Noah: I need a coffee I cant function like this

Cody: Candy works much better than coffee, much sweeter than it too

Noah: Morning to u too Cody

Cody: Morning Noah

Alejandro: some ppl r trying to sleep SHUT UP

Gwen: not to agree with Mr eel over here but he's got a point

Alejandro: go to hell

Gwen: already there

Cody: hiii Gwen

Gwen: hey dude whats up

Cody: ceiling

Noah: ceiling

Duncan: gay

Cody: HEY

Courtney: isn't even wrong either

Gwen: someone called for a gay?

Bridgette: no but heyyyyy

Gwen: omg bridge hows it going

Bridgette: pretty good! Waking up to this gc was a pleasant surprise

Geoff: my phones boutta explode dudes chill

Bridgette: oh Geoff..

Geoff: hey bridge, hows it been?

Bridgette: Like you'd actually care. Go back to Brody.

Geoff: Bridgette I-

Bridgette: No. We are not going to get back together, ever again.

Geoff: can we at least be on ok terms?

Bridgette: if u apologize..

Geoff: I'm so sorry for putting Brody before u when u were struggling with personal issues. It was very wrong of me and I will always be here for u when u need it. U have my word

Bridgette: thanks Geoff, it means a lot knowing ur on my side again


Gwen: what the actual fuck just happened

Heather: fr tho

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