How it happened

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Harborn academy 6ixth form

Nico:yo there's a party later in town who's coming
Joady:I'll go
Jude:I would but I've got training tmw really early
Nico:Jude me 2 are u forgetting we're on the same team
Jude:then why are u going training starts at 9am
Nico:cuz mya gonna be there
Joady:ohhhh brosss in luvvv
Jude :so u going for mya Joady why u going
Joady:well cuz I've got nothing else to do
Jude:who's party is it anyway
Nico:it's Kyros party and plus Y/n is gonna be there
Y/n I'm gonna be where?
Nico :u going to kyros party tonight
Y/n: I was thinking about but I have training at 9am tomorrow
Nico:so ur not going
Y/n :ukw ima go I need to get out side
Nico:cool see u there
Y/n yh cool bye guys bye Jude
The boys were taken aback how she pointed out Jude when leaving even though she didn't talk to him
The boys and girl left the common room as it was the end of the day Joady and Jude walk the same way home
Joady:sooo do u like Y/n
Jude:yh it's just I'm not sure if she likes me
Joady:are u dumb she said as she hit the back of Jude's head
Jude:Awwww he exclaimed in pain what was that for he said rubbing the back of his head
Joady:cuz u acting like ur blind of course she bloody likes u have u not seen the way she looks at u
Jude:I've never really took notice to tbh
Joady and Jude reach Jude's house
Jude:u wonna come in and play fifa
Joady:no i don't she said as she pushed him out the way of the door .hey jobe she said as he walked out the kitchen with toast in his mouth
Jobe: hi Joady he mumbled back
Jude and Joady had been friends since birth the two were attached at the hip many thought they were dating but that wouldn't be possible as Joady is a raging lesbian

The 2  were half way through there 2nd match with Joady being psg and Jude being dortmund and winning 2-1 the door bell rang they both looked at each other and shouted for Jobe to get it
Jobe opened the door and there stud y/n jobe stud behind the door not knowing what to say
Y/n:hi umm is your brother here she said awkwardly to the slightly taller boy
Jobe:yh he's up stairs ,JUDEEEEEEEE jobe screamed up the stairs
A few moments later a Jude came jogging down the stairs
He stopped right in front of the door almost crashing into y/n
Jude:h-hi y/n what are u doing here
Y/n:I was gonna ask if u wanted to come to the party with me but you seem busy so it's fine she said ready to walk away
Jude:no no it's fine lemmi just get ready I'll pick u up at 8
Y/n : ok cool see u later
Jude&jobe: byeee
Jobe closed the door than followed his brother to the kitchen
Jobe:yo who was that leng girl
Jude:who Joady u do know she's a lesbian right
Jobe: yes 🤦 but not Joady the girl at the door
Jude : oh y/n she goes to my sixth form
Joady: yh a girl from his sixth form that he wants to shag
Jude: no I don't,and we're did u come from
Joady:from u room plus I gtg home and get ready ina bit
Joady walked out grabbed her bag and left the house
As Jude was making a drink his phone went off he picked it up and saw it was a text from y/n

The 2  were half way through there 2nd match with Joady being psg and Jude being dortmund and winning 2-1 the door bell rang they both looked at each other and shouted for Jobe to get itJobe opened the door and there stud y/n jobe stud behind the ...

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Who's that jobe said looking over his brother shoulder
Jude : it's y/n she wants me to help her pick an outfit for the party
Jobe:she wanna fuk
Jude:no she just needs help with her out fit
Jobe:listen a girl only ask a boy for help with clothes if she wants him to take them off later Jude:Nope no it's not like that
Jobe:fine if u say so
Jude rolled his eyes at his younger brother as he walked up stairs to get changed

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