Part 29: Argument (Part 2)

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''I know that that is serious,'' you said.

''Well, what are you waiting then?'' He asked.

''I don't know--''

''Goddammit y/n!'' He yelled as you looked at him shocked.

''How can you not know? I told you that you can talk to me if you have problems! What's going on?'' He asked angrily.

''I-I, can't talk right now,'' you said and turned around.

''Y/n!'' He yelled and held your arm.

''Let go!'' You yelled and jerked your hand back.

''What's going on?'' Dre asked worried.

''It's nothing,'' you said.

''It's not nothing y/n! You can repeat this school year!'' Cheng said.

''I'll talk to him---''

''No!'' Cheng yelled and pushed him.


''Tell me,'' he started. ''What's wrong?'' He finished.

''I can't help you if you don't tell me,'' he added.

''I-I can't right now,'' you said.

''What's so hard to tell huh?'' He asked.

''Cheng, please don't---''

''I don't want to tell you okay! Just leave me alone!'' You yelled as he glared at you.

He slapped you as Dre, Harry and his friends looked shocked at you. You held your cheek without looking at him.

''What did you do?!'' Dre yelled and held your arms to cheek if you're okay.

Cheng finally realized what he did. He almost put his hand on his mouth out of shock.

''Y/n, I--'' he started but you started running home.

Cheng was about to follow you but Dre stopped him.

''Move! I must go after him!'' Cheng yelled.

''No! You've hurt him enough,'' Dre said as Cheng looked shocked at him.

Karate Kid - Cheng x male reader ✔️Finished✔️Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα