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Seven o'clock starts are fucking killer.

I had to wake up at five in order to get out the house for six thirty (it's just common sense that I won't be up and ready to go within half an hour. I just have to prepare myself for the day, even if that means laying in bed staring at the ceiling for an hour).

Delivery came today, so me and the morning crew have to put it on shop floor.

I stare at our brand name on the packet of dog biscuits. Pets Haven sprawled out on purple plastic. A yawn escapes my lips and life couldn't be anymore boring.

Something hits me upside the head, my hair flopping into my eyes and I'm quick to swipe it into its fringe.

I tut, snapping my head round to see Jade grinning at me. I snatch her glasses off of her face, popping them onto my nose and squinting hard through her strong lenses.

"Fuckin' hell, Jade, didn't know you were this bloody blind," I say, the world fuzzy like an out of focus camera.

She huffs, taking her glasses back. "Gotta see through your shit somehow, Louis," she quips and I'm quick to flip her off, which she returns.

"Can I help you?" I ask, grinning.

She gathers her hair into her hands, tossing it into a messy bun. "I can't drag the bloody litter out from the crates."

I groan loudly. The cat litter is the worst part of the delivery, it's heavy and you rather break a sweat, nail, or finger having to haul it around onto the shelves.

"Can't you get Isaac to help?" I ask, limbs floppy as I plod with her toward the back of the store.

"Because he's upstairs doing emails."

"Can't you wait until Niall gets in and ask him?"

She scoffs. "Please, you can't ask him to do anything besides finish the last pizza slice."

"Or putting you in his mouth," I mumble.

She chokes on her saliva at that and I grin.

"When's his shift?" I ponder, not giving a fuck to check the rotas upstairs.

Why should I when everyone else can tell me otherwise?

She heaves a sigh. "Ten til seven. Meaning we won't be in for the full day with him. I don't get why they don't put us on the same shift, it only makes sense."

I hum in agreement. "It's probably because Darren wants you guys to be as far away from each other as possible so you're not tongue deep inside each other's mouths."

She shakes her head, leaning against a slightly dusty shelf whilst she watches me struggle to haul litter into their little spots on the shelves.

"You just stand there," I mutter, dropping a heavy load onto the bottom shelf with a bang.

Her blue eyes flicker to the fish tanks on the back wall, before dropping back toward me. "Did you see Harry's new post last night?" she questions.

My heart flutters and adrenaline practically pours through my veins at the mention of the lad's name.

It's a no brainer that Jade and I are huge Harry Styles fans and we practically annoy the shit out of our colleagues and given moment when we talk twenty four seven on the lad.

What can we say? The kid has a chokehold on us.

I blame the green eyes and dimples, personally.

"Notice the pride flag in the background? I'm telling you, Jade, he's one of us," I reply on a slight strain, dropping the cat litter and deciding for Tamara to finish the job.

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