006. one heart broke, four hands bloody

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"Oh my god." Jennifer froze for a moment before she brought her daughter in for a hug.

"I think volleyball will be cancelled tomorrow." Andrea told them.

"That's fine." Lucas stated. "You have nothing to worry about. Let's go watch tv."

Andrea walked up the stairs, going into her bedroom and changing into her pyjamas. She put on a pair of shorts and an oversized jumper. She wiped her makeup off before making her way back down the stairs. She sat on the sofa next to her father, leaning on his shoulder as he put on that 70s show.

Meanwhile, in her bathroom, Jennifer was taking her makeup off. She stood in front of the mirror, wiping the mascara off of her face, as she stared at herself in the mirror. She was then transported back in time to after Angela had jumped from the rafters. Her and her friends were sat in the pizza diner as Davie and Corey tried to convince them that they were fine and Angela's death wasn't her fault.

Andrea was half way through an episode of that 70s show when she felt her phone buzz from next to her. She picked it up to see a group facetime from the girls. Andrea sat up, turning to her father and telling him she'd be back in a minute before running up the stairs and into her bedroom. The curly haired girl grabbed her ipad, unlocking it and joining in on the girls facetime call. She greeted them all before they got right into what they should do about everything.

"Maybe we should tell Karen's dad." Imogen suggested.

"The Sheriff?" Noa looked confused. "No."

"I'm with Noa." Faran agreed. "The text from A was a warning to keep our mouths shut. Whatever the fuck A is."

"The guy in the mask that Imogen saw." Tabitha stated, "That we've all seen."

"You guys... what if Karen didn't frame us?" Imogen asked.

"What do you mean?" Andrea questioned.

"I mean, we assumed Karen put the razor blades in her shoes, the rat in her bag, but... what if she didn't?" Imogen explained, with a raised eyebrow. "What if A put the razor blades in the shoes, knowing we'd get back at Karen?"

"So A has been messing with us from the beginning?" Mouse wondered.

"No. No." Faran quickly disagreed. "Karen was a bully just like the text from A said. Imogen, you saw her up in the rafters with a bucket, and when Sheriff Beasley and the cops find it up there, they'll assume that, Karen was pulling to pull a Carrie on you, and she fell. That it was an accident."

"That's fine for them, but I know..." Imogen sighed slightly. "Kaen was pushed... by A."

"Then that's even more reason to keep the fuck quiet." Noa told them.

"Yep." Faran nodded.

"If we do what A asks, maybe it'll all be okay." Mouse said hopefully.

"Let's hope." Tabitha spoke. "And we'll see what happens at school. Night."

"Goodnight." Andrea waved as everyone let out their own various byes and hung up. Andrea let out a sigh as she dropped her ipad back on her bed, closing her eyes for a few moments before getting up once more and going back downstairs to her dad.

"Everything alright?" He asked as she sat down.

"Yep. Just fine." Andrea nodded, leaning on him once more and watching Jackie say something flirty to Hyde.

The next day, Andrea left her house with a sad smile. They were having an assembly for Karen that morning and Andrea really didn't want to go, but if she skipped school, her mum would have her head on a stick. She met Noa at the end of the street, wearing a pair of brown jeans and a white oversized hoodie. She had a pair of white converse on and a brown beanie the same colour as her jeans on her head. The two girls walked into school, meeting with the others as they made their way towards the gym.

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