Chapter 2 - Doubts and Food

Start from the beginning

"Everything okay in here?" I look over to the doorway of the kitchen to see Wujing peeking into the room. "Yeah. Why do you ask?" Upon hearing my answer he entered the room, but stayed by the doorway while I focused back on the food I'm making. "Brother mentioned that you were acting strange after your trip to the market." A sigh escapes me as I briefly close my eyes. "You'd be acting strange if you were indirectly insulted by someone you like."

"Oh..." That's all that is said for a while, the sound of me making food filling the air. "What did he say or do that insulted you?" I wasn't sure if I should exactly tell the big blue guy, but I know it's not really healthy to keep my emotions in. Plus it's not like I could really tell anyone else since May would fight Wukong for indirectly insulting me and I can't really tell my therapist about any of this. "When I mentioned that I wasn't a vegetarian like you all he said that's obvious after basically checking me out. Then at the store when the sweet old lady that was checking out the groceries made a comment on us being a cute couple he laughed so hard that I wanted the earth to swallow me whole right then and there so I could avoid the situation. I get it, I'm not the prettiest woman out there, but it still hurts to be reminded of that. Especially when I have the worst track record when it comes to dating, and by that I mean a pretty non-existent track record because no one wants to date someone who's not skinny or pretty or-"

My little rant comes to a halt as I nearly burn myself, along with the ingredients that I'm currently cooking, from not paying attention. "Yeah, yeah. I know, focus on cooking, not belittling myself." I mumble as I save everything from being burnt. Wujing joins me in cooking, helping me with it whenever I need help. "Thanks." He smiles at me and slightly shakes his head. "There's no need to thank me. You've done so much for us, it's the least I can do." As soft snort escapes me. "I've barely done anything for you guys."

"That may be true, but it's more than most have. We are all grateful for what you've done for us." His words made me feel better after all the belittling I did of myself. "I guess being a monk isn't easy. I don't think I could do what you all do, but that's okay since I'm not meant to be a monk. I'll just stick with being an absolute weirdo that gives shelter to monks that need it."

The two of us spent the rest of the time cooking, making small talk and getting to know each other better, though it was more of him getting to know things about me since he wasn't all that different from what I've seen. When we did finish we made bowls for all five of us and he took them to the dining room. I grabbed some fruits and vegetables, along with a big bowl of water, and took them out to Bai Long Ma since he had to eat as well. Upon re-entering the house I heard an argument coming from the dining room. I sigh softly as I walk into the dining room to see what the argument was all about. However, I could only make a guess since they were all talking in Chinese. I just shook my head and went back into the kitchen to get everyone drinks. When I returned I witnessed Sanzang muttering the tightening spell, or whatever you want to call it, and Wukong grabbing his head as if it would somehow stop the pain. It didn't settle well with me to see the simian in pain, even though he hasn't really been the nicest to me.

"Sanzang, I think that's enough." I could feel the tension coming from the other two demons all because I dared stop the monk from punishing the mischievous monkey. Sanzang's mutter did stop as he looked at me. I wasn't quite sure what expression was on his face, but I didn't focus on that for long as I started placing the cups of drinks for the men in front of them. "Could you all stop staring at me?" I ask as I realize that they're all staring at me, each with different expressions on their faces. This does get all, but Wukong to stop staring. I look at him as I take a seat in front of the bowl that was sat across from him, spotting the confusion written all over his face.

"What?" He opened his mouth to speak, but with how quickly he shoved the food into his mouth I could tell he decided against saying it. I just shake my head then take a bite of the ramen. The unfamiliar textures with the ramen caused me to react negatively to the food. Not to say that it was bad or inedible, I just couldn't eat it. Plus the overwhelming taste of the tomato broth made it extremely difficult to eat. So instead of forcing myself to eat something that I literally couldn't do without gagging and potentially causing the food to come back up. I moved my bowl towards Wukong before I got up. "What are you doing?"

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