Night and Nightmare

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Now that you know I little bit about me I can tell you about my parents and how they ruined my life you might think I'm overreacting but you haven't heard the story yet. The first time I had the slightest sense that they weren't normal parents was when my friend Bella asked if I wanted to go to her birthday party, now for you to understand this a little better I need you to think about your last birthday and every single birthday before that you look forward to them right, they hold a pretty big memory in your life I was 16 when Bella asked me if I wanted to go to her birthday party Bella was a pretty big jokester and did a lot of pranks but she could never hold a straight face when she pranked people. when she asked me if I wanted to go to this birthday party she was serious. I went home that day and asked my parents what a birthday party was and I told Bella I would have to ask my parents if I could go so I was. my parents looked at me then looked at each other and said " Claire we are so sorry you have to understand it was for your own good" before they told me what it was. 16 years I hadn't had a single birthday party I didn't know what to be more upset about my parents lying or missing out on 16 years of birthdays, definitely my parents lying. So now you can see they were a little crazy but that's not even the worst thing a few days later I asked them if I could go to Bella's birthday to see what it was like and they said no, NO I couldn't believe them they didn't typically let me go to other peoples houses but after what they did I assumed they would. The day of Bella's birthday I sat by the lake all day I had never been upset with my parents until then it was good for me so I could see everything else they hid from me and how awful they were.

Second incident•

A couple months passed since the birthday incident I wasn't fully over it because they said I couldn't know when my birthday was and couldn't ever have one, but now I'm going to tell you about the second time I realized they were crazy. Because I was upset with my parents I spent a lot of time in my room or at the lake I would even eat dinner out there they weren't too happy with it but I didn't care eventually my new routine was wake up, go to school, come home, go to my room, go to lake, eat, back to room to sleep and repeat. My parents couldn't handle it so when I came home from school one day they were standing at the front door and when I walked in they told me they needed to talk to me so we sat on the couch and they explained that they didn't like me not talking to them (which I new) and then they said I was grounded I didn't understand what would that do I already stay home all the time but then they said I was grounded from my room and the lake. WHAT they couldn't do that where would I sleep I told them that and they said with them there bed was not big enough for three people and they said I had to sleep on the floor we have a huge castle and I had to sleep on the floor in my parents bedroom I never disobeyed my parents and I mean I just thought it was a punishment for being bad even though I wasn't bad I did it I slept on the floor for two weeks I missed my bed and my lake so bad. the day I was ungrounded I ran straight to the lake after school I was looking forward to it all day at school when I reached the little area that held my garden and lake... I froze I felt my breath stop I couldn't believe my eyes I fell to my knees and felt hot strikes of tears on my face I was staring and a empty patch of land that used to be my lake. I sat there for a long time crying I knew it was my parents but why would they destroy the thing that meant the most to me. I stood up walked into the house I didn't yell at them I looked at them in the eyes and said "why" and pointed to where my lake used to be they didn't answer me I stood there for awhile then asked a second time a little louder but still calm "why" they looked at the floor and didn't answer me. I started crying and ran up to my room the door unlocked I stayed there for three days I didn't go to school my parents never came to tell me why they did it. On the fourth day I went down stairs and asked why they destroyed my lake this time crying, angry, and loud all they said was "Claire were sorry" they weren't sorry or they wouldn't have done it so I told them I'm going to Bella's house I hated them I couldn't stay there in their house I started to walk upstairs and they called for me to stop I didn't stop.

Third and final incident•

I went upstairs to pack, one of my bodyguards came in I was confused why was he in the house he needed to be guarding the house from the outside he came closer and said "sorry" he covered my mouth and started pulling me out of my room and pulled me all the way to the attic stairs he pushed me up the stairs I struggled he got me beyond the attic door and locked it I started screaming and yelling "HELP"I heard him walk down the stairs I knew what was going on so I just sat down my parents would have to feed me some time. They didn't come for three days I was starving did they want me to stay up there and die I wasn't going a thousand miles away just to Bella's. They did it they ruined my lake, this was illegal I could call the cops and have them arrested for keeping me up here, was that why they didn't feed me they didn't want to go jail they knew they messed up, did they want me to die they were crazy. There was a window in the attic but our castle was tall so it would be a far drop I decided to just do it I found a metal bird garden decor I threw it at the window and jumped one of the bodyguards saw me I told them to get the cops I broke some bones and was bleeding I was in the hospital for two days and when I healed me and my parents went to court and there in jail for child abuse and I lived with nick Bella and Rachel until I went to college, I live in a dorm now at a nice college and am becoming a writer.

The daughter of night and nightmareOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora