Before the Show

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Me: Welp, here's the rewrite of the first chapter. I hope you guys enjoy it! Stay tuned for the other rewrites!




???: Oh what's this? Guests?! I'm terribly sorry, but the show just ended. Oh wait, turn on the spotlight!

A spotlight shines on a yellow and purple jester with a mask covering their face. His hair is a light grayish color and his mask is split between black and white. His eyes is yellow on the black side and black on the white side. The mask sports a permanent grin. His hat is a large five-pointed one with a pattern of purple and yellow. A frill is on his neck with a purple and yellow pattern and the rest of his suit is a pure black suit with white outlines. The jester bows and introduces himself.

???: Greetings, I am the master of dimensions, the pleaser of crowds... I am...

Dimentio: Dimentio! Remember the name well... However, that's only my stage name. My real name is Izuku Midoriya. Now then, why are you here? If you were here for the show, it's already do- Oh? You're not here for that? Then tell me, why are you here?


Dimentio Izuku: Oh? You want to know how I became like this? Well, let me tell you all about it. Sit and relax, for I have a story to tell! Listen well, alright? Now, here's how it went....


The story begins with a young green haired boy. One who lived in an age of quirks which were basically super powers. He was well behaved and generally pretty nice. He was a bright young child, but didn't have many friends. His only friend was one Katsuki Bakugo. The two were inseparable and acted like brothers. One day however, everything changed.

Izuku turned four around a few days ago. And getting to that age usually means that their quirk is coming soon. So, he was currently going to the doctor to see what it was going to be.

Izuku: Today's the day to see what my quirk is....

Inko Midoriya - his mother and sole parent - smiled at him.

Inko: You excited?

Izuku beamed at his mother with a wide smile.

Izuku: You bet!

He was excited for this day. Getting to know what your quirk is was pretty exciting. He was always so interested in quirks. In fact, he was so enthralled by them, that he created several analysis books. The first ones..... weren't that great, however the later ones were showing several aspects of good quality analysis on quirks. His mother even thought that he might've gotten a mental quirk due to how good the analysis were. Well, its time to find out if he will get a quirk.

He hopes it's a cool one, but he'll be fine with an average one too. And when he gets his quirk, he aspires to be a great hero. He can work with any quirk he might receive, and today is the day he'll know what it is-

Doctor: Not gonna happen.

The doctor's words put a halt on Izuku's thoughts. He then turned to the doctor with confused and shocked expression. The doctor was wearing goggles and was in a slouched position.

Doctor: The kid's quirkless, he won't get one.

Inko: T-That can't b-be! There's no way that he doesn't have one!

The doctor sighs and shows the two an x-ray of Izuku's foot. He then began to point at an extra toe joint located at his pinkie toe.

Doctor: See that extra toe joint? It's an indicator of quirklessness. And he has one. If the kid has dreams to be a hero, he better say goodbye to them.

The Heroic Jester: DimentioOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant