Fourteen: An Unforgettable Party

Start from the beginning

You flicked through the dresses with a disgusted look, "Is there nothing else he sent? Something other than pink?" You asked one of the servant maids.

She shook her head, "no, princess, this was all your father had chosen."

You rolled your eyes, "of course it is." You walked over to your larger closet and opened the sliding doors.

"W-what are you doing, princess?" The servant asked with a tinge of worry in her voice.

"My father is no longer making decisions for me. I'll wear whatever dress I chose to the party and there will be no objections. If there are, I'll tell my father I caught you stealing my jewelry and then you can kiss your royal duties and luxuries goodbye." You looked back at the servants with a hard glare. The women quickly nodded their heads. They weren't really in a position to argue.

You walked around your closet until you found the perfect dress. This was sure to get your father riled up.

An all black dress that was both light and comfortable

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An all black dress that was both light and comfortable. Black tulle that covered your arms and the length of the dress. Just what your father wouldn't like and that was enough to make you fall in love with the dress. Plus, you thought Halbrand might like it too. That...Sauron might like it.

To say the servants were appalled at your choice of dress was an understatement. Their jaws dropped and they glanced at each other in worry. They were probably silently wondering if they were going to be fired for allowing you to walk out there in this atrocity. But they stayed quiet about their concerns and that was enough for you. They helped you with your hair and makeup and before long it was time to begin an absolutely unforgettable night.

When Halbrand saw you, he all but froze in his place. You had mistook his speechlessness for dislike but he was very quick to shut down those thoughts. He told you that you were already looking like a true queen and that he was honored to rule beside you.

Your father on the other hand, could not have had a more adverse reaction. The moment you stepped in the throne room all eyes were on you. Their jaws did also drop like Halbrand's but the look in their eyes was one of abhorrence. Men and women clad in colorful clothes littered the throne room. Both young and old, some proudly displayed their skill badges on their robes. The best glare came from your father as he looked upon you like you'd killed his favorite dog...if he even liked dogs.

To not cause a scene, your father played as if your dress had been chosen all along. He quickly resumed the festivities and the music.

You stepped up to him and he pulled you to the side, away from Halbrand, "What, in the name of the Valar, are you playing at?!" His whisper yell didn't go as unnoticed as he'd hoped by the council standing beside him. "What is this funeral attire you're wearing?!"

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