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The rain pattering on your window woke you up hours ago. The rhythmic sound was soothing while you laid in your bed, too relaxed to get up.

A soft knock on the door came from none other than Halbrand. You smiled to yourself. Once again, the feeling of knowing that you had someone in this hell was a liberating feeling. Especially now that you knew who he really was. He was powerful and from his appearance no one would ever expect it. It was the perfect guise.

After getting up and getting dressed, you opened your chamber doors. The red haired man clad in silver scale Numenorian armor stared back. His eyes were captivating as always.

"Good morning, princess," Halbrand gave a little bow.

You waved him off and rolled your eyes, "so formal, Halbrand." You looked around for any prying eyes. When you found none you leaned up on your tips toes and gave him a quick sweet kiss, "good morning to you too."

Halbrand quirked a brow, "I think I like your greeting better. Are you ready for breakfast?"

You shrugged, "As I'll ever be." You made to start walking and halbrand walked beside you, taking your arm in his and guided you. "You know, I'm honestly surprised that my father hasn't suspected anything between us. He has eyes everywhere. I fear the punishment should he ever find out."

"Perhaps he is too consumed with his drinking to have noticed," Halbrand offered.

You could see that happening for sure, "Let's hope you're right. I really think he would chain me up in the dungeons and let me rot."

Halbrand held your arm a little tighter, "let him try."

You tried to hide your smirk but it wasn't working when you reach the royal dining chambers.

Thankfully breakfast flew by. It mostly consisted of Sir Aemon talking and casting glances toward Halbrand that you didn't like very much. Halbrand could see your silent frustration and scooted his foot to touch yours. You looked at him and he offered you a soft smile. He wasn't at all bothered by Sir Aemon so you let it go too.

Just as king Claudius dismissed you from the table he caught your attention again, "Oh, daughter."

You had just made it to the door before turning to look at him, "yes?"

He continued, " meet with me in the throne room, in two hours. We have an announcement." He looked to Halbrand, "And bring Sir Halbrand with you."

You gave a small curtsy, "Yes, your grace." You were puzzled. What could need announced?

Halbrand wondered as well, "what do you think it's about?"

"No idea. Let's just hope I haven't spoken too soon about my father. He's always explained very little like that. For all we know it could be a public shamming,"you whispered to him.

Halbrand gave a little low groan, "that would be the last mistake your father makes."

In the two hours you spent was internally beating yourself up. You prepared for the worst case scenario so that way it hurt less when it actually came. It was how you made it through most of your life. If Halbrand noticed you retreating into yourself, he said nothing, and stayed quiet on the matter.

He led you into the throne room, walking with his head held high like you wish you could.

Your father stood before you next to the throne. A few council members along with Sir Aemon stood at their respective place at the king's side.

"Sir Halbrand," your father began, "stand next to me."

Now that made you nervous. He shot you a quick glance that you didn't miss. Even though it was a soft look you couldn't tell what it meant. If it was supposed to be encouraging or something else.

You stood in the throne room, at the center of the royal people's eye.

"I have gathered us to the throne room today to make an exciting announcement," you father clasped his hands and feigned a look of happiness. It didn't suit him at all. "Before you all, you may stand witness to this important day as the day that princess, y/n, daughter of king Claudius, first of his name, begins her search for a suitor."

Your eyes went wide and felt the blood leave your face as you paled. No. This couldn't be.

"The time has come for my dear y/n to be wed and begin making heirs to succeed me. A celebration will be held a week from now. Potential suitors will be sailing in from all across the sea. Only the finest will be picked," Claudius faked smiled and glanced at Sir Aemon before turning back to you, "You will be expected to dance and flatter the guests as you become acquainted."

You couldn't believe what you were hearing. Sure, you'd expected this at some point but now? You looked to Halbrand who was already watching you. His jaw was set in suppressed anger.

"But father, couldn't we wait another year? Just a year—I don't think I—" you were cut off by the king.

"No. You've known that this is your duty as princess. Any longer and well, you're not getting any younger, daughter mine." He shrugged as if he words were so easily said.

You blinked trying to hold back the tears, "that's all I am to you isn't it? An heir maker who's not meant to be seen or heard."

All your father did was shrug. As if to say, if the shoes fits. You rolled your eyes as a tear escaped down your cheek.

"You can rot in hell, father." You turned and dashed out the doors before you could see the shocked faces of the council and your father.

You speed walked down the spacious corridors. Your footsteps and Halbrand calling your name, echoed off the walls. You needed out. Needed air.

You'd turned a corner and threw open balcony door. Halbrand had found it on his own weeks ago. It was hidden and you were certain that you were the only two that knew about about its existence. You stepped onto the balcony and immediately met the rain.

The smell on the air was thick. You couldn't get enough of it. You inhaled deeply and selfishly in an attempt to render the tight constricted feeling on your lungs.

"Y/n" Halbrand said gently as he stepped into the rain with you. He tried to get you to look at him but you fought against him. You didn't think you deserved to look at him.

"I'm sorry Halbrand." You made out through your shaky voice and rain.

"For what?"

"For everything!" You finally looked at him, "I always knew this day would come and n-now we've grown close to each other. I-It's not fair to you. I've wronged you, Halbrand." You lip quivered as water droplets collected and ran down your face.

"You think I feel wronged, y/n? I've known from the beginning that this could be a possibility, " he took your face in his hand and caressed it. The water made his red hair stick to his forehead, "it doesn't change a thing."

You closed your eyes, "I wish I could see it that way. I don't want you to feel like a side piece while some man I was forced to marry, fucks a baby into me. You didn't ask for that."

He shook his head, "you're right I didn't. But I know where your heart truly lies. And I made you a promise, y/n. That I would always protect you. I keep my promises. That's on me—that's my choice."

"Oh Halbrand," you let out a sob at his sweet words, "I wish we could just escape. Take me away from this place."

"I will. When the moment is right, I promise, my y/n, my...precious, I will take you from here. I only need your patience and loyalty."

You took his hand that was on your face and held it with your own, "it's yours. Like my heart."

Halbrand looked at your lips and you couldn't wait anymore. You closed what little gap there was and kissed him hard. You kissed him like there was no tomorrow and as if your life depended on it. And in it way it did.



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