Chapter two

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It was getting closer to Christmas and Masons friends, Ben, Kai and Ruben were at our house playing fifa.

"Oh you have to be joking me" Kai shouted as Mason scored against him on the game.

"Sorry pal, I'm just better than you at some things" Mason said, patting him on the shoulder.

"Gosh, you boys get so worked up over a video game" I said, rolling my eyes while my head lay on Masons lap.

"Ben, you're go" Kai said to a zoned out looking Ben. "Ben" He said, again.

"Oh uh yeah, sorry" He said, but I could tell something was up.

"Who you day dreaming about?" Ruben joked, but he didn't look too impressed.

"I think I'm gonna go on a walk, just need some air" I said, getting up from the sofa.

"Alright, be safe" Mason said, kissing my cheek, I liked it when he cared about me.

I put my coat on and wrapped a scarf around me since it was close to freezing.

I began walking, but just a few seconds later I heard a voice behind me.

"Hey, wait for me" I heard Ben say behind me.

"Oh, hey Ben" I said, now thinking I should ask him what was up. "What was up with you earlier?" I asked him.

"What do you mean?" He asked, putting his hands in his pocket.

"Well you looked zoned out before and not really yourself, plus you're always screaming at the tele, which you weren't doing" I said, to which he sighed.

"It's because of what happened last night" He told me, looking straight ahead of him.

"Go on" I said, now wanting to hear everything he had to spill.

"Well I went to a bar and Joana happened to be there and well I ended up kissing her" He said, looking disappointed with himself, which broke my heart.

"Oh Ben, why?" I said, since no one likes her since she was his ex and she treated him badly while they were dating.

"I guess I'm just trying to get over this girl I like" He told me, shrugging, making me want to know who this girl was.

"Ooo and who is this girl?" I asked him, with a smirk.

"No one you know" He told me with a weak kind of smile.

"What would cheer you up?" I asked him since he helped me when I was upset, so I wanted to do the same for him.

"You know what I'm thinking?" He asked me with a smirk, it had snowed quite a bit over night, so yes I knew what he was thinking.

"No" I said, as I did not fancy doing his idea.

"Why not, I cheered you up the other day" He said, making me roll my eyes.

"Fine, okay we will do it" I say, knowing I'm probably going to regret it. Ben grabbed my hand and began running. "Ben I swear you are still a child" I giggled.

"Nothing wrong with that" He told me with a smile, making me roll my eyes with a smile as we arrived at the hill. "Come on" Ben said as he sat at the top.

"What? You never said I had to do it" I said, widening my eyes.

"Oh come on I didn't just bring you here for you not to do it with me" He said, rolling his eyes. I sighed and sat next to him. "Okay, 3...2...1 go!" He said as we rolled down the hill together in the snow.

"Okay I haven't Brocken my leg like I thought I would" I said, giggling, getting up from the floor.

"You seriously thought you would?" He asked me, giggling, our faces now very close together.

"Yes I did" I said, with a smile, my smile soon fading as I realised how close we were, I couldn't help staring at his lips and I caught him staring at mine. "Oh uh we should probably get back" I quickly spoke, him going a light shade of pink while looking at the floor.

"Yeah... yeah" He said, putting his hands in his pockets. I knew there was a spark between us, but I never acted on it as I am with Mason and I love him, plus I know Ben wouldn't do that to his best friend.

Kind of introducing the spark between these two a bit more now.

My boyfriends best friend - B.ChilwellWhere stories live. Discover now