Its time for children to go to sleep

Start from the beginning

'I got this!' Ayano grabbed the towels and opened her eyes 'hot guy glaring filter!!!' While he tilted his head confused, she was picturing her two favourite characters in her vision'Yep, That's better' "Thanks" she said for the towel

"Not my business but why were you hiding in the park anyway?" He asked curiously" Umm..." she turned away poking her fingers together "actually there's this thing at my place.. a's too terrifying I can't even say it!" She cried waving her hand back

"Huh? Robber?" He guessed

"Much worse a roach!" She exclaimed before Flinching and going into a depressed state crouched down "I said it..." she groaned "You let a bug chase you out of your house?" He sweat dropped a little "It's not just a bug! It was gigantic!" She exclaimed, she began twirling her finger in the ground while she explained "My mom usually handles this sort of thing or the cat, or even my dog husky, but both mine and my sisters parents moved overseas for work and took both the cat and dog with them! my sister ran to her room and locked the door...First the bug spray was empty, Then that's thing came right for me, so I ran as fast as I could I forgot my wallet and my phone...then it started raining!....Ugh it's the worst night ever!..." she sulked her nose running

He tried to hide his laughter, but failed to and held his towel over his mouth "Your face!"

"Rude!" She pouted glaring

"I'm sorry" he apologised still trying to stop his laughing 'I thought he was the quiet type who doesn't smile much but...'

"That sounds like a nightmare" he said small smile and those slightly pink tints

For Ayano, her hot 2d guy image barrier cracked, and her heart was pounding bald and forth which broke her imaginary barrier completely 'No!...He broke down my barrier!...then there's no other choice! Come forth husky!' The image of her dog became a filter for her bison in front of Tsukasa "I guess that explains the Miss matched shoes" he Smiled sheepishly

'It's working! Good job husky' she cheered mentally

"Want me to get rid of it?" He offered

"What?" She froze

"Want me to get rid of it for you?" He repeated his offer leaning against the wall "You know, the thing that shall not be mentioned"

"For real?!" She says surprised with her hands clenched only to freeze in realisation 'No! I'm on too deep already!' She turned away looking drained "No I got it..."

"Are you trying to avoid me or something?" He asked, moving closer away from the wall

"What?..." She moved away a little "No of course not!..."

"If this is about breaking my phone don't worry about it" he assured "I was thinking about getting a new one anyway" he stated


He puts an hand behind his neck "I mean, seriously, When you outright avoid me like that, it makes me feel anxious" he says while she freaks 'Make me feels anxious?!'

"Well, if you don't want my help..." he was about to take back his offer until Ayano shook her hands "no, really...I...need help" she gave in

"Alright, let's go."

"Huh?..." she felt something being put on her and looked as he placed a coat round her "Here it's cold, Wear this" Ayano's husky barrier fell too 'How does he keep doing that?!?' She exclaimed in her head she burst of it but in reality she was a blushing mess while he waited for her to come along

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