"Luna!" You took her into your arms.

Luna is still yowling in cry. You somehow felt bad. She must've been scared. There's a flash and you scream. You quickly leave, be sure to be careful not to slipAnd finally, you made it back with Luna. A sigh of relief comes from you. Luna quickly leaves your arms and runs away to somewhere in the living room.

You want to head back inside when suddenly the lights are off. The power is down. It's so dark now. It's then that you heard your phone ringing. You look at where it came from and it's just there, outside near the pool at the table, near the chair where you just grab Luna.

You curse yourself. Were you blind that you didn't see that?! You were in disbelief. You decide to just make a quick grab without thinking much. You make a run, and you finally there grabbing your phone. Then there's a flash. You scream, closing your eyes and your ears, praises Christ. You then just decide to run to return back. But you run too fast, you forget to be careful, and you slip. Your last image before you fall is a flash and you see Luna, not far at the sliding door watching you as you fall...


You were screaming and gasping for air as you drown. Is this how you are going to die?!  You try to reach the surface. What about Anitta?! What about Tristan?! When they found out you were found drowned, lifeless. They would blame themselves for the rest of their lives. You didn't want that. You still want to live. There's more that you want to do in life. You are still young. Is this truly the end? Your hands stopped try reaching the surface. Again, like light tricks you- there is no light but your necklace is shining. You didn't imagine it this time, you think. But it's too late. You just didn't know anymore. Darkness overtakes you as you fall deep into the pool...

You were never actually close to your uncle at first. Or trust him. You never let your guard down. Not after living with one family after another. You learn that not everyone in this world is kind. There are bad people. You remember there were people that want to do bad things to you. You remember you barely managed to escape. You always ended up hurting them, and cops would show up. And you were taken to the orphanage, again. And to another family, again. Repeat. That's your childhood.

So when somehow, your uncle show up with Tristan you were so shocked. To suddenly have someone claiming that they are your family members. You remember your blood boils. You were so angry, how old were you when you were left at the orphanage, and after all these years why bother showing up? You ask him. Your uncle couldn't answer. He only looks at you full of regret. You ran away from him, with tears in your eyes. And you never knew until later Tristan explains to you that your uncle never knew you exist. Tristan then continues to tell you some stories about your uncle. You later know your uncle's name. His name is Duke Donovan. A brother from your father's side, your uncle. And how he wishes that he wants to take you in.

You were 12 years old back then. Just came back from a crazy household. You only listen to Tristan as you sit in quietly on a bench in the orphanage. You also learned that he works for your uncle, and you in the future. You were hesitant. All of this sounds too good to be true. You were scared. It's too good to be real. Like a dream, and when you wake up... everything would be gone. It took a few days until you finally agree to go with them. 

You know your uncle is wealthy. He has expensive cars and would buy expensive things for you and somehow goes on vacation all the time. And you just never ask him about his wealth or his work-related. You didn't need to. Even though you somehow know a bit of his work from Tristan but you just brush the thought of it off. As long as you have a bed to sleep in, food at the table and he's a nice person that has no ill intentions towards you, then you are all fine. Your uncle, Duke is a busy man but whenever he needs to go overseas for his job related, he would take you with him. He makes you homeschooled, which you are grateful for. As if he knows you didn't like school. You guess that's when you both start to get close. You both spent a lot of time together. Almost did everything together. You later find out, you both also shared the same interest in sports and some martial arts...

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