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It's nice being at school. Literature is my favorite subject. Today I made a new friend. Her name is Cassandra, but I call her Cassie! She's really nice. "Hey, Nene!" She said. "Oh, hi Cassie!" I replied. "Hey, you wanna have lunch together?" She asked. I nodded. "Okay, cool! C'mon." I looked at my watch. It was twelve already? Alright. We headed to the cafeteria. Today we were having cooked carrots, and applesauce! It wasn't really my favorite, but Cassandra seemed to like it. We didn't really know what to talk about, it was just awkward silence for a bit, until something popped up in my brain. "Oh, Cassie!" She looked up at me, with a spoonful of applesauce inches away from her mouth. "Me, Pico and Darnell are gonna hang out and go to the mall after school! Wanna come?" After I said that, Cassandra giggled evilly. "Oh dear Nene," She said, "I don't think you'll be able to go." I looked at her, confused. "Um... What do you mean?" She smiled evilly. "Don't worry about that right now, let's just talk about stuff." "Um, okay..." That confused me for a bit. But I decided to not think about it that much.

 It was time to go back to class. I sat down in my classroom. The new kid, Alucard, sat next to me. He looked at the clock. "It's almost time," He said to himself. "...For what?" I asked. He looked at me and blushed. "Oh, I-I'm sorry, did I say that out loud?" He stopped looking at me and looked at the teacher instead. Suddenly I heard the other classroom screaming in fear, and tons of bullets being shot. A chill went down my spine, what was happening?! Alucard got up from his seat. The door slammed open. It was... Cassandra?! 

"The goths are here for one reason and one reason only!" She said. My heart was pumping. There was my new friend with a gun, and blood all over her. The teacher looked shocked. "Cassandra?! What are you doing here?! Why is there bloo-" "SHUT UP!" The teacher was interrupted by getting shot in the head. blood came dripping down his head. The children were screaming in fear. I didn't know what to do! The children's screams stopped when Cassandra shot them, killing them one by one. I could still hear the other children screaming in the halls. "ALUCARD! Use your telekinesis to bring me over to you!" Cassandra shouted. What had gotten into her?... "Cassandra! What are you doing?!" I said while shaking in fear. "UH, killing these assholes! What else would I be doing?!" She said back to me. "C-Cassie! I thought we were friends!" "Friends? HAH! You think I'm your friend?! You are so STUPID!"

 I fell on the floor, crying. "Just kill me, okay!? I don't want to go through another minute of this!" I shouted. Cassandra pointed the gun towards me. "Wait," Said Alucard, "Don't, she's suicidal. Leave her here to suffer." "Hm, that could work. HEY, SHORT STACK! Come here to see all your dead classmates! She opened the door, revealing a bloodbath. I also saw a pink haired boy with an eye patch, killing students. "...NO! I DON'T WANNA GOOO!" I shouted in fear. I grabbed onto my desk. Alucard forced me to go outside the classroom by using his telekinesis. I tried to shut my eyes, but it was no use. Alucard forced my eyes open and spun me around. I saw thousands of classmates dead. I thought about Pico and Darnell. Darnell wasn't here today, so he couldn't have been dead. Pico... Pico... I saw Pico exit out of his class! Thank god, he was alive! 

"Nene!" Cassandra yelled. I snapped back to reality. "Alucard, let go of Nene and go distract Pico. I'll handle her." I looked at her and cried. "Cassandra, why are you doing this to me?" "Because people are homophobic!" "Cassandra, please... not everyone is-" She punched me. "Shut up, asshole!" 

I then saw Alucard fly out of my classroom. He was covered in blood. Then I saw Pico exit the same room. He had a gun... Where did he get it from? "What the hell, Alucard?! I thought you were stronger than this!" Cassie yelled. She walked toward Alucard. 

Pico ran passed her and stopped when he was in front of me. "Nene! Your okay!" He said. My voice was weak. "P-pico... I-I'm sorry... I should have ate w-with you instead of h-her... " Pico held out his hand. I grabbed it and pulled myself up. "Hey, it's okay. We can get through this together!" He said. I stopped crying, and I smiled. "Thanks, Pico. Oh- where did you get the gun?" I asked. Pico laughed. "Actually, I found it in the janitor's closet. Dunno what it was doing there." Pico spotted a knife in my pocket.

 "Hey, where'd ya get the knife?" He asked me. "Oh, uh... Oh! Santa gave it to me last year!" I said. "Oh, really?" He laughed. "Okay, Nene, come on. Let's show that stupid goth bitch what we got!" I frowned. "Don't call her tha-" "Nene. Enough. I know what she did to you." I looked down. "Just follow me." I followed him. We stood in front of the bathrooms.

 "Hey, maybe there are some chicks in the girls bathroom that are still alive!" Pico said, giggling. I rolled my eyes. "I have to go to the bathroom. Wait here," I said. I entered and I saw another new student. Hanzou. "Nene? Is that you?" Hanzou asked. They was holding a long sword and he had night vision goggles. I didn't say anything. "Well, since you're here, I have to follow Cassandra's orders. She told me about how suicidal you are. She told me you weren't afraid of death, you were afraid of the pain and discomfort. So, I'll make this as painful as possible." He turned off the lights. I couldn't see, but I knew he was running towards me. I screamed.

 "PICO! HELP!" Pico heard me and entered the room. He quickly felt Hanzou's wind and continuously shot him until he was dead. He turned the lights back on. "Jeez. Hanzou is fucking out of her... or his... I don't know Hanzou's gender. No one does." I gave Pico a hug. "Thanks, Pico," I said. Pico hugged me back. We weren't dating since I was already in a relationship, but he was my real best friend. "We might need this." Pico picked up Hanzou's goggles and we headed out. We headed to the teacher's lounge and... Woah. There was a huge fire.

 "Oh hey, don't worry. I have a fire extinguisher." He took out a fire extinguisher and put out the fire. He went up to the door and tried to open it. It was locked. "Uuuggh... where could it be" I asked. "Ummm.... Oh! Maybe it's that dead teacher's one!" He said. "Uh... is there any blood?... I... don't wanna have to look at that..." " Oh, uh... you can stay here if you wanna." "Um... Okay..." With that, Pico headed to his classroom. 

Once he left, I felt scared without him. What if someone was there to kill me? What if there was someone right behind me? What if someone had been holding me at gunpoint right now?! What if- 

"Nene! You okay?" I had spaced out. I looked at Pico. "Huuuuuuu... Huh? Oh, yeah. Yeah, I'm fine," I said. He looked at me with a worried look. "Er, alright. Hey, I found the key." He went to the door that had been locked and put the key through. To my surprise, it worked. "Alright, c'mon, Nene." We walked in. The first thing I saw was a large bomb. Like, huuuuge... I looked down and saw Cassandra with two other boys. "Cassandra!" Pico yelled. Cassandra looked up at him. "Violence isn't the way to solve problems! Not everyone here is homophobic Cassie... I'm actually ga-" "OH MY GOOOODD, SHUT UP!" "Uhm, ma'am should we kill 'em or..." One of the henchmen asked. "Huh? You think I need YOU to help me kill 'em? I don't need you bitches!" Cassandra said. She shot them. I covered my eyes. Pico hugged me.

Then Cassandra turned into this weird creature... Holy shit! She had a penis! Pico started shooting it... in the dick. "Nene, you have a gun?" He asked, still shooting the creature.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2023 ⏰

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