Wanna Be Yours || Steve Harrington

Start from the beginning

You couldn't believe your eyes. You were looking at the boy who helped you that one morning last year. "Hey. Wait." You said. The boy looked up from his desk and found himself flabbergasted. "Oh hey! It's you." He said surprised. You carefully studied him. You couldn't believe it was the same brown eyed boy but just older, taller, and cuter. "Oh my God. Wait." You said closing your eyes. You snapped your fingers to remember his name. "Steve right?" You asked opening your eyes to see him with a smile. "Yeah!" He replied with glistening eyes. You cheered. "Ah yes! I knew I remembered you." You said. "Oh how cool we're in the same class." Steve said. You nodded. "Hey how was that project? I assume you got an A?" He asked with a raised eyebrow. "Without a doubt." You replied. He raised his hand and reached out to give you a high five. "Hey I never got your name." He asked you after you gave him his high five.

"Y/N." You tell him. Steve sat up straighter and smiled. "Nice to meet you again Y/N." He replies.


You and Steve both sat in the library laughing silently in the back table in the corner. "I don't get it." He whispered with a chuckle. He held his textbook in his hands as he read terrible chemistry jokes from the back of his book. "Oh come on Steve that was funny." You said. Steve kept his eyebrows raised with a confused look on his face. "What's so funny about laughing gas being called 'HeHeHe' gas?" Steve asked as he chuckles in a confused way again. You couldn't help but stare at his confused look as you puff up your cheeks containing in your laughter. "Y/N stop it's not that funny." He says placing his book down. You buried your face in your hands and silently giggled. "Okay are you going to help me with my paper or not?" Steve asks with a pout. You raise your head back up and sigh while trying to calm yourself down. "Yeah, yeah. Okay. Wait one more." You asked. Steve sighed and rested his chin on his hands with his elbows propped on the table. "Fine." He said. You pressed your lips together and smiled. Steve brought his full attention towards you. "What did one charged atom say to the other?" You asked with a grin. Steve looked at your eyes then lips and couldn't help but smile at your smile. He sighed and then shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know." He said. "I got my ion you." You said. Steve furrowed his eyebrows and tilted his head. You couldn't help but break out in laughter as you hit your head against his shoulder. Steve looked down at you and couldn't help but chuckle. "Come on it was funny." You whispered in between laughs. Steve didn't notice he was chuckling a bit. He didn't want to admit it, but it was funny. Steve picked up his pencil and pushed his paper close to you and closed the gap in between you both. "I guess." He says and couldn't help but smile.


The more you spent time with Steve the more comfortable you felt with him. You two were acquaintances and nothing more. You both would exchange greetings in between classes in the halls and that's it. If you both were in the same classroom then you both would end up talking and working together. You got to become an acquaintance of his in class and in school, but out of school it was like you both didn't exist to each other. You didn't know much about Steve and Steve didn't know much about you, but you both knew enough to know that you both liked being together and hanging out.

You sat in the cafeteria with your friends who were riled up about something you shared with them. "Steve Harrington!" Your friend exclaimed as she spilled her drink out of her mouth. Taken back, you raised an eyebrow. "You're joking." Your other friend said. "Why would I be joking?" You asked confused. "Steve Harrington?" Your two friends said in unison. You slowly nod your head. "Uh huh." You respond. Your two friends widened their eyes. "Do you have any idea who he is and who you're hanging out with?" The first friend asked. You blinked and felt awkward. "Am I supposed to?" You asked. Your two friends scoffed. "Yes!" They said. "Steve Harrington is-is-well he's-" Your first friend said when your second friend interrupted. "He's the king of the school. He's hot and popular and everyone wants to either be him or be with him." Your friend said. "And bang him." Your first friend added. Your eyes widened and you felt taken back at what you just heard. "Are you sure? Because-" You began to say when your two friends interrupted you. "He's the total package." Your first friend said. "This is news to me." You said in shock. "Well duh Y/N you live under a rock." Your second friend said.

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