"How's marriage treating you?" He smacks my shoulder

"Wonderful." I smile big "going to be 4 months already in a couple days."

"Wow that's crazy. Once I'm not busy and before you guys go back to England we should do a couple dinner" he said "also Meredith wants to meet her!" I nod

"We definitely will have to plan one" I smiled big

"HAROLD TELL YOUR WIFE TO STOP CALLING ME A DIVA!" I turn to see Louis screaming and Kylie smiling big like a angel that didn't do anything wrong

"She defiantly gets on well with the other lads." Ben said as I nod

"They love her and she loves them. They know we're really happy."

"She's a sweetheart who wouldn't love her?" He asks

"My fans" I chuckled "most of them have been plenty wonderful though!"

"Because they know your happy and found someone. They don't like seeing you sad or depressed." I nod " i have to get back to setting up but we start in 10 minutes!"

"Thanks Mate." I smile at him as I make my way over to Kylie and Louis

"I am not a diva! why are you suddenly calling me one?!" Louis asks Kylie as she hairspray a his hair

"Alexa told me you were one" she smirked

After the whole fight with them they made up and are good friends. As we know Alexa went back home to prepare for her online classes and get ready to head over to UK/ Europe with us.

"She did not!" Louis claims

"Of yes she did!" Kylie said

"I'm a manly diva though right?!"

"Yes Louis" Kylie sighed

"This feels weird" Liam walks over and stands in our uniforms I only have the shirt on which is really snugged on me but not the others

"These shorts though they are weird feeling!" Niall comes up

"Babe you should probably fully change you guys start taping in 8 1/2 minutes" Kylie said packing the hair spray away in her bag

"They look really small" I groan

"Because they probably are small! Look at Liam's!" I turn to see his which are snug on him wear Louis and Nialls aren't.


I walk out slowly to Kylie who's biting her lip hiding a smile and giggles

"Go and laugh" I told her she shakes her head

"No they look hot!" She said walking to me wrapping her arms around my waist "turns me on not going to lie." She murmured

"Oh really now?" I ask her showing a cheeky smirk she nods wrapping her hand infront tugging on my shirt

"This also looks sexy on you" she whispered in a husked tone and I can feel myself starting to lost control

"Baby I love all this talk but I can't have me showing in front of these people" I told her calmly kissing her lips quickly "Definitely save it for the bedroom later" I murmured against her lips she kissed me quickly

"I have a lot of faith in you! Do what I said" she begins walking away as I smile as the boys come up to me and James

"Ok lads were going to kick some ass!"James called out to us


I groan holding myself as I get hit in the nuts. I huff sucking in air I turn to go walk to the side I see Kylie made her way over to our side, having s painful look on her face

"Are you ok?!" She exclaims I put my hands on my knees

"I'm amazing" I feel her hand on my back rubbing it up and down

"NIALL" we hear James scream, I stand back up fully as I feel Kylie kiss my cheek

"Are you sure your ok? Do you need ice?" She asked concerned

"Baby I'm good really." I smile at her "just probably not going to do what we planned for tonight" I said as the first round ends

She nods her head " understandable, next round I know your going to win" she smiled at me

"Do you think so?" I ask her she nods

"Like I said I have faith in you."

It's now just me and Louis on the court, and one girl on the other side, I chuck the ball really hard hitting her in the leg.

I won for the team! We begin freaking out James picking me up slapping my ass once he drops me I run to Kylie who's in the corner of the sidelines picking her up kissing her passionately, screams and awing is happening I put her down gently still kissing her, I pull away slightly

"I told you could do it!" She exclaimed

"Thank you Baby." I told her

"I love you Hubby." She smiled big as I move my hands to her face

"I love you, Baby thank you for being here with me today and having faith in me" I put my forehead to hers

"I do all this because I am so in love with you and I know you do the same for me" she said as I kiss her nose seeing it crinkle back I smile big "go finish the game!" She lightly shoved me as I head back to the boys all smiling at me big.

Would never of thought my life would be this way. I would never change it for the world.

Love Me Like You Do (Harry Styles AU)Where stories live. Discover now