Prologue: Will You Marry Me?

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Mickey's POV

"I'm coming, I'm coming, I'm coming!" I threw my heels inside my Tesla while holding a cup of coffee in my other hand and got in as fast as I could say the word 'shit'. "0502, engine on," And just like that, she's off. I cannot miss this meeting. Come on. Not today. I fixed my hair in front of my rare view mirror while I buttoned my shirt up. My phone rang. Shit. I answered, "Hello. Antonio! Yes, of course I will be there... uh huh... Yes, I realize it's been half an hour. FUCK!" I hit a hard bump and my coffee was sent flying all over my shirt. HOT Pink Bean coffee. "Uhhmmm I will call you back, I'm heading into a kkkrrr tunnel. kkrrrr." I hang up. They buy my fake bad reception phone acting. "Mother fucker!" The car slowed down in a red traffic light. "This mother fucking coffee!" I muttered and yelled inside the car. On my right is an older woman with her golden retriever. She and her dog were watching me. No. Judging me.

The car started on it's own as soon as the light turned green. "Good girl." I was just putting on my lipstick when I noticed a police car tailing me. "Jesus, not again."

"Window down." I commanded. "Morning, officer." I smiled through half of my red lips and my now coffee colored white suit. "Morning, Ms.." He looked at me from head to toe.

Yes, I know I'm a mess.

"Gray. Michaela Gray." I smiled again. God, stop smiling. You're not hiding anything inside your trunk. "Ms., Gray can I see your license, please." He says uninterestingly. "Listen, do we really have to? I'm on my way to work and-"

"License, Ms. Gray." I sighed and reached out for my wallet.

"That's how I missed the meeting this morning and that's why you can leave the whole bottle on our table, thank you.." I looked at the waiter's name tag, "Joe." He looks familiar. "Honey.." I looked at Henry wearing the dark blue polo shirt I gave him. "Are you sure you're okay?" Didn't he hear the story of my fiasco this morning? "Yes, I'm fine. I'm sorry." I reached out for his hand n the table. "Happy 1 year to us." I said.

"Are we ready for dessert?" Henry asked. "Oh, I'm good.." Joe brings us two cakes. "Pistachio and Almond Cake with Mascarpone filing." He announced on our table. Okay, that sounds amazing. I cut into the cake while Henry watched. "Aren't you going to eat that?" I asked. "Yeah, I will just.. take a bite first and tell me if it's good or not." And bite, I did. The mascarpone is really creamy and it melts in my tongue. I suddenly felt something metallic and cold. I spit it out. Jesus! What if I choked on this thing? I looked up to see Henry down on his knees. "Oh.. my.." It took a while for the ring I almost swallowed to register in my mind. Everyone's eyes was on us. "Mickey.." He says. "Yes?"

"We've been together for a year now. And I know we were on and off in college.." I laughed. "But this time, I promise I will not leave you again. You have no idea how happy I was when I saw your tinder profile. You were the love of my life, and you still are. So.. Will you marry me?" Only someone completely out of their mind will say no to someone like Henry freaking Foster. "Yes. Yes, of course. I do!"

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