[Mutual Company]

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"Have you come here freely and without reservation to give yourselves to each other in marriage?"

It was just a side quest to help out Rodrigo Briscoletti with defeating some monsters that casted a curse on him and his family. A little task that gave the party a break from the weight of saving the world while still doing some good. And Eleven was never one to turn down a person in help, and that's what made him oh so endearing. Always kind and considerate of the people around him.

"Will you honor each other as man and wife for the rest of your lives?"

Once they lifted the curse, of course Rodrigo asked if the party could assist with setting up the wedding. With Eleven being as he is, he happily accepted the additional task. And what other way then to help rehearse the ceremony with Eleven acting as a stand in groom. All he had to do was choose a blushing bride to act as his counterpart. It didn't matter who it was as it was just a placeholder for the real engaged couple. It wasn't like Eleven was going to actually get married to whoever he chose.

"I, Eleven, take you, Serena, to be my wife. I promise to be true to you in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health. I will love you and honor you all the days of my life,"

Yet why did it hurt so much watching Eleven stand at the altar with Serena?

[Name] watched with blank eyes, taking in every single detail of the mock ceremony from the furthest wall away from the happy couple. Despite the ceremony not holding any true weight, she couldn't miss the shy glances or rosy cheeks the pair held as they repeated Rodrigo's words. To anyone witnessing the rehearsal, it was sweet and romantic—everything you'd want from a wedding.

But to [Name], it was absolutely sickening. The ugly emotions brewing in her stomach nearly made her want to slip out of the room and run outside of the mansion to get away from the awful scene. If it wasn't for Sylvando's worried glances sent her way, she was sure she would've booked it when the whole ordeal had started.

It wasn't fair. It's not like [Name] chose to fall for the ever sweet and handsome Luminary. He was the one who had shown her genuine kindness from the moment they met. He was the one who listened to all of her woes and comforted her in her vulnerable moments.

It wasn't fair, but it wasn't like it was his fault either. Serena was bubbly and optimistic in the ways that [Name] knew she wasn't. It wasn't hard to like Serena and it's easy to see why anyone would fall for her. It was simple; much like how [Name] didn't choose to fall for the Luminary. It just happened.

"In the name of the Yggdrasil take and wear this ring as a sign of my love and faithfulness,"

Still, it was too hard to watch. [Name]'s eyes were quick to slide to the floor once Eleven held the wedding band between his calloused fingers. She could hear the Luminary shuffle closer to the healer and it stung when he spoke with such a soft, adoring tone. Loving words never meant for her.

For a moment, [Name] was distracted as another body had settled right beside her. Their shoulder brushed against her own and the familiar scent of pine filled her nose, and she immediately knew who the newcomer was. Her eyes trailed from her dirty boots to look into a pair of blue eyes already staring back at her.

"I, Serena, take you, Eleven, to be my husband. I promise to be true to you in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health. I will love you and honor you all the days of my life,"

There Erik stood, his head leaning back against the wall as he just stared at her with silent regard. His half-lidded eyes were ever knowing and his lips had long tilted into a lopsided smirk. Erik looked as handsome as ever. Though [Name] didn't miss the underlying pain seeping into his beautiful blue hues—the same kind of anguish that mirrored her own heartbreak. Because, of course, [Name] wasn't the only one affected by the stupid rehearsal.

After all, misery loves company.

"In the name of the Yggdrasil take and wear this ring as a sign of my love and faithfulness,"

It wasn't fair. It's not like Erik chose to fall for the ever sweet and pretty mage. It was easy to like her. Simple really. But then the like turned into something more yet completely unobtainable. He couldn't do that to his best friend, who timidly shared that he was in love with Serena all that time ago. No, Erik couldn't backstab his partner like that.

So here he stands, wallowing in self-pity with someone who shares his pain. Just knowing that someone else is bitter about the whole ordeal was enough to bring slight comfort to the thief.

But it wasn't enough to drown out the ceremony completely. No, he still was aware of the giant smile on their faces once Serena slipped the wedding band onto Eleven's finger. So, instead, he kept his gaze set on [Name].

Beautiful and somber where she stood. Always realistic in the way she thought about everything, making her both a valuable companion yet hard to approach at times due to her standoff nature. Though, that's what Erik enjoyed about her company. She was never one to linger on hopes and dreams as the weight of the world had a more prominent focus than her own desires. She was selfless and kind in that aspect.

And Erik couldn't help but wonder if he'd been better off falling for her instead of Serena. Maybe if they met sooner, would things have been different? However, that's just wistful thinking. Erik is no Eleven and [Name] is no Serena. One can't just force a role onto someone who was never meant to fit it.

But couldn't they try?

Erik wondered as his eyes drifted to his companion's lips. The movement didn't escape [Name]'s eyes, but she also made no attempt to move away. She just tilted her head towards him as the thief leaned in closer.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride,"

Slowly, their eyes fluttered close, pressing their lips fervently against each other for some desperate comfort. And in that moment, [Name] wished it was Eleven she was kissing. And, in the same manner, Erik wished it was Serena instead.

Oh, how misery loves company.

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