Chan smiled and nodded, grabbing his keys. "Yeah I'm just gonna wait in the car for min, see you mom." She waved bye, her eyes drooping as her son left, turning to her husband. "I miss our baby~ he's either here sleeping or out and about." Mr. Bang sighed and let his wife sit back down next to him. "He's just tired sweetie, we all went through that phase." She nodded, waving bye to Minho as he walked out and said his goodbyes to the Bang's.

"Are you sure you don't want to wear a mask hon?" Minho smiled and shook his head. "I'm tired of wearing masks~" Chan chuckled. "Okay then, let's get inside before sung kills me."

"Hey Chan hyung!!" Jisung sang as soon as the door opened, running over and giving the older a big hug, changbin shook his head with a smile as he started walking towards the group.

Minho smiled, looking around the cafe and spotting someone that looked familiar. Minho remember the other day when he went to his therapy session, seeing Mrs. Hwang's son there with his girlfriend, it was the same guy. Hyunjin scoffed slightly and turned back to his friends sitting there.

"And hey mr. Prince!!" Jisung threw his arms around Minho, the other tensing and not hugging back. "Sung I told you Min isn't a fan of physical touch." Jisung frowned and pulled away. "I'm sorry I didn't ask, you're just so cute I want to squeeze you!" Minho smiled and let out a small laugh, making jisung almost die.

"Hi jisung and changbin.. I'm sorry I'm here, I won't be a bother I promise!" Changbin softened and hesitated to touch the other's arm, doing it softly. "It's okay bro! Don't worry about it."

"You guys wanna order something?" The boys turned their attention to the chef at the front of the store, the boys realizing that they were one of the only ones at the cafe, one table was filled with a couple boys.

"I think we're okay, did you guys want something?" Changbin turned to Chan and Minho, the older looked at Minho and noticing his body language: picking at his fingers, breathing getting uneven, eyes scanning the items on the top of the store.

Chan grabbed the younger's hand, Minho squeezing it tightly. "I think we're okay right now, I'll come by if we need anything thank you!" He said quickly before walking to a table.

"Oh my gosh, that's the prince." Seungmin gasped slightly, the others following his direction. "Dude we should go hang with them!" Jeongin said with excitement, hyunjin shook his head immediately. "Fuck no! You know he's one of my mom's clients! He's in fucking therapy!"

Jeongin sunk in his seat. "That's not a terrible thing hyun, it helped me.." hyunjin sighed. "But it's weird as fuck, like it's okay for you because we're normal. But the prince? Like what trauma does he have?!" Seungmin rested his hand on his palm and gazed at the boys, more specifically the muscular one.

"Stop staring seung." Jeongin mumbled under his breath, hyunjin was scrolling through  his phone to even notice, seungmin snapped out of it and looked at jeongin with a scared look. The other smiled and fixed his bangs, both boys smiling as Felix came over to them and sat next to hyunjin.

"The prince is so cute with that boy! Do you think they're together??" Hyunjin busted out laughing, almost hitting his head on the table and causing the other group of boys to look in their direction. "You're too funny lix! I seriously can't take you!"

"That's what she said.." jisung cleared his throat as he said that, the boys at his table laughed quietly. Minho felt his stomach grumble, holding it tightly and silently begging for it to stop. "You hungry baby?" The younger gulped slowly and nodded, looking up at Chan with teary eyes. "Want pudding please."

Chan nodded and stood up, still holding Minho's hand. "Um excuse me?" Felix stood up as well and walked towards the kitchen area. "What can I get you?" Chan looked at the menu and frowned. "Baby there's no pudding." Minho's other hand moved to wrap around the older's bicep, squeezing it softly. "Um.. bagel then." Chan nodded. "One plain bagel please-"

"Holy fuck I think he can talk for himself." Chan turned his attention to the pissed boy with a cocky look on his face. "Please hyunjin, seriously I have a customer right now." Felix tried to stop him, taking Chan's card and paying for the item. "I'm so sorry for him, the bagel will be ready soon."

"I'm just saying, for a prince he acts like a total freak off camera." Chan felt his blood boil, gripping Minho's hand even tighter. "And how is this any of your business, this doesn't concern you so why even talk about it?" He tried to say as calmly as possible, walking towards the table.

"Oh now here comes boyfriend to the rescue!" Minho felt himself start to tear up, hiding his body behind Chan's shoulder. "We're friends okay? What we are shouldn't even matter to you, like calm down dude I wasn't even trying to talk to you." Hyunjin raised his hands in defeat, the boys around him not stopping him.

"All I'm wondering is what happened to being a man?? since when is being small and fag like a thing for boys, or whatever pronoun thing it wants to go by." Seungmin felt tears rush to his eyes, trying to control them by biting his finger softly and blinking repeatedly. Changbin and Han stood up, walking towards the table.

Minho sobbed in the older's shoulder, chan immediately taking his attention back to Minho, cupping his face and wiping his tears. "You're okay Minnie, it's okay." Minho continued crying, chan moved him to wrap around his neck, sighing softly. "Guys I think I'm gonna head out, we'll talk over the phone about the song I'm sorry."

Changbin nodded and ran his hands through Minho's hair. "It's okay hyung, understandable." Chan said his goodbyes and grabbed the bagel as he was leaving, trying his best to calm Minho down.

Once they left changbin turned to the boys with red in his eyes. "What the fuck dude!?" Hyunjin laughed and grabbed his phone. "Oh come on! I know you guys were feeling the same as I was."

Changbin grabbed hyunjin by the collar and lifted him up. "No one did bastard, this is 2022, not the fucking ancient times. No one gives a fuck about who and what you are nowadays, let it go dude." He let Hyunjin go, glancing eyes with a teary eyed seungmin. "I don't mean to act that way, but don't mess with my friends. They're my bitches."

All the boys finally let out a chuckle, even hyunjin. "You're fine dude, I won't do it again." seungmin smiled widely and rested his head on his palm again. Jeongin looked to the side of him and smiled softly, shaking his head as he faced the boys. "We should hang sometime, can I get y'all's numbers?" Jisung smiled and took his phone out, the other doing the same. "Totally!"

The boy's put their numbers in jisung and changbin's phones. "Seungmin? That's a cute name, how old are you?" Changbin asked seungmin, who blushed immediately and looked away. "Oh- um thank you! I'm 17.." Changbin smiled. "Nice! me and jisung are 19, Chan's 20 and I think Minho's 17." Felix came by and joined the conversation.

"Me, Innie, and seungie are 17! Hyunjin is 18." Jisung smiled. "Hey freckles! Put your number in." Felix chuckled and took jisung's phone. "My name is Felix." The older smiled. "Nice to meet you felix I'm jisung." Felix handed his phone back and smiled. "Someone sent you a text, I think it was your mom."

Jisung held his phone and read the text from his mom, his body language changing. "Um bin.. can we go?" Changbin grabbed jisung's phone and put it in his pocket, nodding. "We'll see you guys around." They said their goodbyes and got in the car, jisung grabbing his shirt by his chest and tried to catch his breath.

"What did it say sung?" Changbin asked as he started driving, giving one of his hands to the other to play with. Jisung took it and fiddled with changbin's fingers. "P-party with the whole f-family tonight.. I-I don't think I can do all the questions and people binnie." Changbin hummed and kept his eyes on the road, knowing jisung was tearing up.

"Take a few deep breaths sung, why don't you tell your parents that we have to work on the music and you can just stay the night at my place?" Jisung bit his lip and started hyperventilating. "W-won't believe me.. I'll j-just have to deal with i-it." Changbin frowned and dialed his mom's number through the car, jisung was finally catching his breath and starting to relax his body.

"Hey binnie! What's up?" "Hey mom, can sung stay the night tonight? We really need to finish this song by tonight." "Okay, don't stay up too late! Do I need to contact jisung's mom?" "Yes please, thank you." Changbin said before ending the call, glancing at jisung's worried state.

"It's okay sung.. you're secret is safe with me." Jisung looked up at changbin and smiled softly.

Hehe I love seungmin I'm so excited for his character

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