𝟏𝟎 | 𝐃𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬

Start from the beginning

"Get over here, help me up," the woman insists.

He snickers. "Help you up? You're lucky I don't back up over you."

I keep my back to Limbrey. I don't want to leave her here, but I have to if I still want the money. I'm not going home empty-handed after all the shit I've done.

After a sudden, loud pop, I see blood squirt out of Renfield's chest. I whip my head around only to find Limbrey on her knees, pointing a gun at him. She shoots him twice more before setting the gun down on the ground.

I hear Renfield's body collapse with a thud as I begin to pant from sheer panic. I feel around my chest to ensure I didn't get shot, either, before staring at him. He clutches his bleeding chest, the light leaving his eyes. Just like Peterkin.

"Rafe," Limbrey says.

"Oh, shit," I whisper, not taking my eyes off of the now dead man in the back of the truck.

"Don't just stand there with your mouth open. Help me up."

I look back and forth between her and Renfield with wide eyes.

"Rafe, he wasn't a good man," she says as she reaches her arm out. "He's not one of us. Come here."

She can't move... I could just leave her here. But what would I do with Renfield?

I walk toward her with my hand out, but I go to move the gun instead of grabbing her hand. They're both shitty-ass people.

"No, what are you doing?" She reaches for my legs but I keep walking. "Rafe!"

I close the doors to the back of the truck, trying to ignore her cries. I take one last look at her before walking to the driver's side door.

"Rafe, you better shoot me, because I swear to god, there will not be a place that you can hide from me!"

☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚
juliet's point of view

I got so tired of waiting around for Rafe to return that I eventually just fell asleep. The sleep that I thought would be an escape from reality only served as a nightmare reminding me of everything that's going wrong in my life.

My dream started in the middle of the Chateau.

I'm laughing with Kiara on the pullout couch as John B and Pope play with a deck of cards.

"Hey, where's JJ?" the dream-version of me asks.

"He's gone," John B replies nonchalantly.

I look to Kiara. "Gone?"

"Rafe killed him, remember?" she says.

I stand up from the couch. "What?"

"We had the funeral yesterday," Pope adds. "You weren't even crying."

My heart pounds in my chest as I notice all three sets of eyes now staring at me, some look of resentment replacing their previous smiles.

"You weren't even crying," the three of them say in unison as they walk toward me angrily.

I immediately sprint out onto the porch and through the backyard before the Chateau disappears behind me. As I look around in a dreamy haze, a pile of sticks catches my attention. It's when I get closer that I see "HERE LIES JESSE JAMES MAYBANK: 2003-2020" carved into the oak tree above it. I succumb to a sob as I fall to the ground, but when I go to wipe my tears, there's none to be found on my face.

"What?" I mutter out-loud.

"They were right," JJ's voice says from behind me. "You're not even crying for me."

addicted vol 2 | rafe cameronWhere stories live. Discover now