J'Adore Tes Yeux

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With an exhausted sigh, the blonde clapped her hands to get the dancers attention. "Alright! You all did wonderfully. Agatha and Beatrix. Be sure to be practicing for the upcoming performance. I don't want to hear either of you arguing about it either. Remember it's a duet." The woman scolded and gave them a playful glare. Beatrix gave a pout and just scoffed under her breath. "You're all dismissed. Have a wonderful weekend. I will see you all first thing in the morning Monday!" Clarissa watched as the dancers went their own ways to pack up. She walked over to her own things and picked up her phone. With a reluctant expression, she dialed her mother's phone number. After a few rings, the phone cracked, and she heard her mother's infuriating voice, "Oh sweetheart! What a surprise." She could practically see the annoyance that has now seeped into her expression. "Hello. Mother, would you like to have Rowena over for the weekend. I know you have been wanting to have her over for a while now. I have a bunch of meetings all weekend, and her nanny is out sick. It'll only be for the weekend she goes back to preschool Monday." She explained her mind, not recognizing how she had started to bite her nail out of anxiousness. "Oh your father and I would love that! We can pick her up now if you need!" Her mother exclaimed excitedly. "I would appreciate that. Thank you." Clarissa said softly. "I'll give you my key to my apartment so you can go there and get her clothes after picking her up." The woman explained and looked down as she felt Rowena cling to her leg. Her hand reached down to hold her face. "Okay! We'll be there soon." Her mother stated before abruptly hanging up. Clarissa grumbled and set her phone down before she reached down to pick Rowena up. "Would you like to go to Grandma and Grandpa's for the weekend, little star?" She asked with a smile as she fixed the toddlers dress. Rowena nodded enthusiastically as she hugged her mother's neck. Clarissa gave a small laugh and hugged her gently. Though she froze slightly at the sound of someone clearing their throat. Then she smelled the unrecognizable smell of expensive cedar, a bit of citrus, cologne, and cigarettes. Setting Rowena down, she turned abruptly to see Leonora Lesso. The red head fixed her with an unreadable expression before her eyes trailed down to the little girl at Clarissa's feet. Cane in hand cigarette tucked behind her ear and coat long forgotten, her sleeves of her white undershirt rolled up to her elbows. Leonora was a breathtaking sight. She gave a sigh and knelt down to Rowena, pulling out the girls' stuffy from earlier. "I believe you dropped this earlier, little one." She said almost sweetly. Clarissa glanced between the two, breathe caught in her throat. Rowena giggled and hugged her stuffed animal tight before bounding into Leonora, hugging her neck with a small squeal. "Thank you!" She said happily as she clung to the woman. Leonora let out a soft chuckle and placed a hand on the girls back to keep her steady. "Of course, little cub." She muttered quietly enough that Clarissa barely heard it. Clarissa paused, her eyes fixed on Leonora, who was still knelt down with a toddler latched to her neck. "Thank you. Lesso. You didn't have to do that." Clarissa stated simply and ushered Rowena off of the woman's neck. In which Leonora stood fixing her hold on her cane and adjusting her tie. "It wasn't a problem. I needed to discuss some things with you anyway. It was common sense to bring it with me." She stated smugly, her usual smirk appearing on her lips. Clarissa rolled her eyes and gently helped Rowena into her coat and made sure the girl had everything she needed. And as if on cue, Emma strolled in with a small wave to Leonora before scooping up Rowena into her arms, pressing a kiss to her cheek. "Your grandma is here, sweetheart! Let's go say hi!" She said excitedly as Rowena giggled and clung to Emma's neck. The choir instructor glanced between Clarissa and Leonora. She gave a wink to Clarissa, pressing a kiss to her cheek as well. "I'll make sure the devil herself gets Rowena's things like, have fun." Emma teased and gave the two a final wave. Clarissa kissed Rowena's forehead, giving her goodbyes and promising she'll call her before bed. Waving back at the two as they left. Leonora watched unamused and even stiffened at the kiss pressed to Clarissa's cheek. Her eyes glanced to Emma with a glare. Though as the two left, she had noted that they were the only two in the room. "So princess, you were given the news of the unfortunate collaboration?" She asked, knowing very well that she was. Clarissa blushed and scoffed at the nickname. "Yes sadly I was. Now let's take this to my office so we don't have eavesdroppers. I don't want anyone spreading rumors about the show." Clarissa muttered and ushered the taller one into her office. Leonora gave a small laugh and made her way into the office. Taking it upon herself to sit on the edge of the woman's desk. Her cane was in between her legs as she gave her a grin. "So, what were you wanting to do. We'll have to pick some sort of musical. Or play. Maybe the Nutcracker, but incorporate the actors into making the story more understandable." Leonora stated with a shrug. Pulling her cigarette from behind her ear. Striking a match, she had pulled from her breast pocket and lighting her cigarette. Clarissa gave her a glare and walked over to the woman standing practically in between her legs and plucking the cigarette from her fingers. "No smoking in my office." Clarissa hissed challengingly. Leonora grinned up at her. Her head tilted, "Oh don't be so cruel, princess, it was one cigarette." Leonora stated and gently grabbed the woman's waist to keep her still. Her other quickly grabbed her cigarette between two of her fingers. Keeping the Ballet instructor in her grip, she took a drag from the cigarette before blowing smoke into the woman's face defiantly. Clarissa had frozen up at the hand on her waist. Her mind was not even thinking about the cigarette taken from her. Though she was pulled out of her rushing thoughts as smoke clouded her senses. She coughed hysterically and backed away as the hand on her waist disappeared. Her face darkened with a blush she gave an angry wave of her hands. "You are ridiculous. There was no need for that Lesso!" She all but yelled. Leonora gave her a smug smile as she took another drag from her cigarette. "If I knew you would be this distracted, I wouldn't have come to plan things. Just let you walk into that meeting blind. It would be entertaining to see." She said threateningly. Leonora's playful glint was not visible anymore as she rested her free hand on her cane. Clarissa opened her mouth to protest but decided against it. Just rolling her eyes, "The Nutcracker idea is good. And convenient for the time of year. We can do that, but you better not make my dancers side visuals. They need to be as main focus as the actors." She argued, pointing an accusing finger at the tall woman. Who laughed, "Princess the more you try to be intimidating, the more it is harder to resist teasing you~" Leonora said with a biting grin. Clarissa gave a hesitant scoff, and her eyes glanced away. "Was that all you needed to talk about? I need to get ready for the meeting, and I would prefer you not to be present during my free time." She said angrily and stalked over to the other side of her desk so she could sit at her chair and open her laptop. Leonora gave a hum and pressed the bud of her cigarette onto the woman's desk before flicking it into her trash can. "I suppose the rest can wait til the meeting. I do need to go and make sure none of your perfect angels are screwing around in places they shouldn't." She said with a sigh as she pushed off the desk. As Leonora made her way to the door, she paused. Sparing a glance at the blonde, she took a small breath. "Also, dove, your daughter is quite cute. It's impressive that you raised her on your own." She stated simply giving the other a wave before closing the door behind her. The clicks of her cane and heeled boots slowly getting quieter the farther the other walked. Clarissa let out a breath she had been holding for far too long. Gently dropping her head to her desk with a thud. - After cooling down from her annoying interaction with Lesso. Clarissa gathered her laptop and planner before checking the time. She had a few minutes before she needed to be in the meeting room. But she decided it would be better to be early than barely on time. So the blonde leaves her office soon after grabbing her things. Closing and locking her office door before making her way through the large and surprisingly quiet halls. Though she bumped into Emma only a few steps on her journey. "How was your mini meeting with red?" She asked with a mischievous grin. Clarissa gave her a look that said everything and more. "You sent her to my office didn't you. You're terrible at hiding your little mischievous looks." The blonde grumbled. Emma brought a hand up to her chest and gasped dramatically. "Me? No, never, what would give you that thought?" Emma asked, laughing, looping her ATM with Clarissa's. "You'd be surprised how interested she is in you if you would just believe me." The mother gave her an angry look. "I don't need you trying to play matchmaker, especially with one of our coworkers. One that I can hardly stand as it is." She hissed out in a whisper. "Oh come on, Claire you know just as well as I do that you have some infatuation with her. Even if you would rather ignore it." Emma said more seriously. "Plus, Rowena could not stop talking about red. She really likes her. And so far, red has proven to you that she has some sort of soul." She teased. Clarissa opened her mouth to argue with the woman but noticed the very red head they were talking about round the corner. The blonde quickly shut her mouth and harshly elbowed Emma before she continued her rant. Emma let out a pained wheeze and was about to hit Clarissa back but froze at the sight of Red standing in front of them. Her face went pink, and she quickly brought down her hand, giving the sneering woman a wave. "Hello again, Red." She said with a smile. Clarissa eyed the woman from her spot beside Emma. She had her cane in hand as always. She hadn't ever gotten the full story on why Leonora had it to begin with. And she was far too mortified to ask. Leonora pressed her cigarette out against her little make shift pocket ash tray. Before clamping, it shut and placed the half burnt cigarette behind her ear. Clarissa noticed the woman's hair was pinned back into a loose, quite messy bun. Curls were already fallen out of place, but it seemed to work well enough for what Lesso needed to do. "Hello, songbird. Hello, princess." She said with a mischievous smirk. Opening the door to the meeting room for the two. "Ladies first." She said, simply adjusting her weight on her cane. Emma smiled and took a step into the room. "Thank you, red." She said simply. Clarissa followed close behind, trying helplessly to avoid Leonora's predatory gaze. Leonora followed behind them as she noted they were close to the first ones, other than the headmaster of the school who sat at the head of the table as if he were king. Clarissa sat beside Emma, in which Lesso sat across from her. Giving the ballet instructor a wink before setting up her papers. Clarissa was left speechless, and her mind blanked, missing half of whatever Emma was talking about. "Claire are you even listening?" The choir teacher said, slightly annoyed and glanced between Lesso and Clarissa trying to figure out what had left Clarissa so off. "What? Sorry I zoned out." Clarissa said giving Emma an apologetic look. "I was asking what you were going to do for Rowena's birthday? It is coming up soon you know." Clarissa gave a hum. "I'm aware. Believe it or not Emma but I gave birth to her." She said sarcastically a smile on her face. Emma waved a hand dismissively. "Oh shut up." Clarissa laughed. "I might hold a little birthday party and invite the students. Rowena has grown so attached to them all." She explained simply. "I was thinking about getting her a pet. Though I don't know how to get a reasonable answer out of a three year old." She explained helplessly. Emma nodded slowly. "Well we could do something with that. Maybe we could invite Lesso's students and Lesso as well. You wouldn't mind, would you red?" She asked with a smile. Obviously, Leonora had been listening to their conversation even if she wasn't a part of it, but now that she was, she looked at the two a bit taken aback. "I- I don't suppose I would be busy. What day is it?" She asked and glanced between the two. Clarissa gave Emma a death start before glancing at Leonora and answering, "Christmas eve." She stated simply and leaned back into her seat with a defeated sigh. Leonora nodded slowly but said nothing as she looked towards the headmaster as he cleared his throat. "Alright everyone! As some of you had heard, to celebrate the holidays and the anniversary of our school we will be doing a very big play! Involving all of our departments in one way or another." He explained far too cheery for the rest of the staff who had either been moving around all day or singing. Clarissa thumped her head back onto the back of her chair as she listened. "And the two I am putting in charge of the whole ordeal will be Miss Lesso and Miss Dovey. So be prepared to have them send out what you all will be working to achieve. You can all agree on meeting dates as well, I will sadly not be attending. But I expect that Miss Lesso and Dovey to be able to be great leaders!" He exclaimed and Clarissa gave a internal groan and made eye contact with Leonora from across the table. How long had she been staring at her? Leonora finally glanced away after being caught and went back to looking at the headmaster as he went on about the different up coming events. Clarissa barely even paying attention at this point as she took in Leonora. The woman was leaned back comfortably in her chair, cane leaned against the back of her chair. Firey hair a mess but at the same time very fitting. Her suit vest with a few buttons unbuttoned. Same with her white undershirt. Sleeves still rolled up. Her makeup light and nails trimmed. One arm propped on the arm rest while the other held the cigarette from before to her lips. She had light crows feet. Which was surprising since the woman barely smiled unless she was trying to scare the he'll out of a student. Dark green eyes met her own and she froze. Clarissa had been staring unceremoniously, and Leonora had caught her. She could feeling her cheeks burning as she glanced away and then back at the woman making eye contact with her again. Squirming in her seat, she tried to get away from the unrelenting gaze of the woman across from her. As if someone had answered her silent prayers, the headmaster clapped his hands together. "Alright, good luck, everyone. I hope to see you all soon. I wish the best of holidays." He said and left the room before anyone else. As soon as he was gone, Clarissa shot up quickly, grabbing her things and rushing out of the room before the teasing from either Lesso or Emma began. Though apparently, she wasn't quick enough because she heard the click of the cane and heels of Leonora. "Now princess, we really need to start planning, as much as I hate cutting your free time short." Leonora said, voice smooth and rich like honey. Clarissa gave her a small sigh as she stopped, making the woman almost walk into her. "Fine." Clarissa uttered, annoyed, to say the least. "Maybe I could take you out for a drink as an apology for trying to do my job?" She asked teasingly, and Clarissa flushed. "If you are going to pay I'm not going to pass out on food and drinks. Let me get the rest of my things from my office." Leonora nodded. "I'll meet you back here. I need to get my own things as well." Clarissa nodded and hurried off back to her office. "This is going to go terribly wrong." She hissed under her breath.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2022 ⏰

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