I stuff my hands in the pockets of my jacket once he's done, trying to act like I didn't stop breathing for a second there. "I know. She's the best."

"Gonna be hard to leave her, huh?" he asks, as we start walking to the park.

I groan, lips pulling downwards into a frown. "Oh, yeah. I'm hoping to come back a couple of times over the semester, though. Just for the weekend, or something."

"You are?" he asks, surprise tinging his voice. "That, uh... That would be cool."

I glance at him, wondering if I'm reading him wrong. If I were to overthink this to high heaven, I would say that maybe, he's trying to say that it would be cool to see me again. But I'm determined not to overthink anything, so I just brush off that meaning.

"Yeah, it would be great. I've already grown so attached and it's only been a few days."

We make it to the park not too far from my place, where Theo found me crying on the bench the other day, and start to wander around it, Maya running up and down for fun. 

He clears his throat, acting almost awkward. "And what are you thinking you'll do after college? Do you, like, have any plans yet? Or am I asking you the worst question right now?"

My eyes focus on Maya, trying to steady my rushing heart. "I'm not sure what I'll do, if I'm honest. Before I came back this time, I was probably thinking I'd stay somewhere in North Carolina, so I could be close to Greta. I was talking to Dad, though, and he offered me to come back here. Kind of in two minds now, because being near Chrissy would be great."

"Yeah? That would be amazing-" he cuts himself off abruptly.

Fuck. Does he mean it would be amazing if I came back? Amazing for who? For him?

Maya chooses the perfect moment to squat and do her business. I'm kind of grateful for the reprieve, as Theo makes his way over and deals with the situation, leaving me briefly to deposit the doggie bag into the nearest bin.

When he returns, I change the subject. "What about you? Are you enjoying your job?"

"Yeah, I love it," he enthuses, his expression immediately lighting up. He tells me a few stories about working with kids with disabilities in the local mainstream elementary school, his tone so full of love for the kids that I'm practically melting, no matter how cold it is now.

We do a few laps of the park, Maya bounding around, chasing the sticks that we throw for her. We spend the whole time talking, just catching up about all sorts of things.

It starts to get dark gradually, and Theo looks at me after our fourth lap of the park. "So, I know that Christmas Day has actually already passed, but I haven't been to the Christmas market in town yet. Do you have somewhere to be, or would you fancy going?"

My stomach tightens at the thought of this. We haven't seen each other in years, it was all very bitter when we finally ran into each other again, and now he wants to spend extra time with me? Will I ever deserve the treatment I've bene given this holiday?

I can say all the horrible things I want about Whitley (although less and less of them are coming to mind anymore) but they do have a wonderful Christmas market.

He takes my pause as hesitation, laughing awkwardly. "It's okay, Sabrina. I'll maybe go with Felix or Hector another day."

"No, sorry," I quickly recover, shaking my head as I inch closer to him. "Sorry. I was just... I'd love to come. Can Maya come too, or are the crowds too much?"

A grin splits Theo's face, as a more comfortable laugh leaves his throat this time. "I'm not sure she'd forgive me if I left her behind. There will be so many dogs she wants to see. She's better with crowds when we're outside, but we'll just keep an eye on her."

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