Training a Tribrid

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Entrance of the Salvatore Boarding School

After taking a stroll through the school Dotty had finally managed to get to the entrance of the school. It was bright and sunny....a nice day to train outside instead of inside a matter a fact he thought to himself.

Dotty- Wow look at what we have here the almighty tribrid Hope Mikaelson! he said sarcastically

Hope gave him a nervous look as she closed the passenger door

Alaric- I am so sorry Mr. Topaz It's my fault I should have had an adult come and talk to you before leaving but it was an emergency. And there was no time to do anything

( When I try to incorporate the storyline of legacies with them fighting monsters and shit. I think that's kinda boring in my opinion but for the sake of legacies. I'll keep it but change it to make it my own.)

Dotty- We have a time limit ..I have a time limit. If you haven't noticed I'm only staying here until I feel Hope is ready to become the full tribrid ..unlocking her vampire powers. I'm gonna be generous and give you my vacation year ..if Hope isn't a vampire within the year. There's gonna be a problem....and if you haven't noticed having a problem with me is really gonna suck. he said with the upmost of confidence in Alaric's face.

Dotty- Facing the vampire queen is a death sentence with out training my sister is the strongest person I know. In all of my years of living....with every enemy we faced she never backed down. What I'm saying is Toni is a person that is not only physically strong but she's also a genius in all aspects.

Hope- Well how strong is she?

Dotty- Strong enough to vamp past you with your hearts in her hand with out you even noticing your heart is missing until you try to breathe again. I don't want you to be afraid your my student so you don't have to worry. So that's why I'm upset that you guys are wasting my time!

Alaric- Listen, this is what we do ...this is how it was before you got here and this is how it's going to be after you. Hope is one of my best students and she volunteers to go on these trips with me.

Hope- Yeah, and I thought we were gonna come back on time it's not his fault it's mine.

Dotty- I'm having trouble understanding this whole "monster" situation. Your daughter Josie said that mystic falls has a monster problem and it all started with Hope's boyfriend Landon. And the next time you need help come and get me I want to join on your little monster bonding time.

Hope- That really isn't necessary Dotty-

Dotty- Hush, Hope the adults are talking...please be quiet.

Marcel- Do we have a problem here?

Dotty- This doesn't concern you so fuck off

Marcel was already walking past in his work out clothes after his morning jog. He saw that Hope, Alaric , and Dotty were in some what of an heated argument. When Dotty decided to get into Alaric's space that's when he felt it was time to intervene.

He walks closer to the small group of three and forcefully making Dotty face him. That resulted in Dotty shoving him back. That's when Marcel tries to charge at him but his sister got in between them stopping immediately.

Hope- No we don't, Marcel keep walking please!

Marcel- Step aside sister so your big bro can take care of this please.

Hope already knows she wouldn't convince him in the calming way he always has to be so stubborn and difficult. Just like his damn father like son right?

Wasn't it magical?Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat