Light:"I'll only be able to go as far as the receptionist's desk, though."

I then took out the Death Note out of the compartment and tore out a page.

Ryuk:"Oh? You're bringing a page? An outing kill?"

Light:"Lately, I've been doing this when I go out. Just incase."

I then went on, on my marry way. After a bit of walking I decided to call my father. Though, he didn't pick up.

Light:"That's unusual for Dad."

I finally reached the Police Department.

Light:'I wonder if he's in an important meeting.'

I went inside and saw a woman with black hair and a boy with h/c standing next to her.

Woman:"Please help me. I must speak directly to someone from the task force."

Man1:"I told you already. There is no one at the Kira task force headquarters."

Y/n:"Excuse me, I'm Detective Superintendent L/n F/n's son, Y/n. Could you give this to my father when he get's back then."

He then handed a bag to the man behind the counter.

Man2:"Oh of course, Y/n. I haven't seen you in a while."

Y/n then filled out a small form whilst answering.

Y/n:"Yeah, I'm kinda focused on school entrance exams at the moment."

Woman:"Is there any way I can contact them? It's something very important relating to the Kira investigation."

Light:'Kira investigation?!'

Y/n:"If it isn't too much, my mother ask if you could also tell my father that he should call my mother when he gets back."

Man2:"Of course. I'll try to remember that."


Y/n then waved at the man behind the counter and walked out the door. I walked towards the counter.

No one's POV:

Man1:"Well, I'll try to call headquarters once more."

He then picked up a phone to check again.

Light:"I'm Detective Superintendent Yagami Soichiro's son, Light. I brought my father's change of clothes, but it doesn't look like he's here. Could you hold on to these for him."

Man2:"Sure. Light, I haven't seen you around in a while either."

Light:"Oh, sorry. Uh..."

Man2:"Remember? We solved that insurance murder with your advice. I was the receptionist then,too."

Light:"Really? I'm sorry. I just write my name here, right?"

Man2:"Does this mean that you're going to help the Kira case, too? Y/n said that he's to busy studying for an entrance exam, so he can't help is for a bit. I can understand that, though, he usually don't study for exams."

Light:"Yes. If all goes well, I may be able to beat L."

Woman:'Beat L?'

Man1:"Nobody's at their headquarters. Please trust me on this. I'll be sure to give them your message."

Woman:"That won't do. It must be in person."

Light:"Excuse me... My father is leading the Kira investigation with another person. Do you want to leave a message with me? His cell phone is off, so I can't tell him immediately. A bunch of FBI agents were killed, and a lot of detectives quit the case because they were afraid of Kira."

Man2:"Light, you shouldn't be telling civilians that."

Light:"People are already talking about it. Besides, this person is trustworthy. I can tell by looking in her eyes. She's a very wise and careful person. You've heard of the FBI incident, ans you figured out that there's a problem within the Japanese police forse itself. That's why you want to speak directly to headquarters. Did I get that right?"

The woman was to stunned to speak. Regardless of her being very stunned, she followed Light and listened to him talk. Just like a hypnotized prey walking into a snake's mouth.

Light:"I'll probably get a call from my father once he gets the message I left on his phone. You can directly talk to him at that time."

Ryuk just chuckled at the scene infront of him. He was definitely amused.


Finally done with this chapter!
So the results are in
and the love interest is:
Light Yagami/
Yagami Light.
Basically, almost everyone
of you guys voted for him.

Have a great day/ night!
Stay safe!

1221 words

|[Life or Death]| death note x male readerHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin