"And how long have you been.. in the facility" he asked, as tentative and gentle as he was, there was no arguing that it was a difficult question for Kai to answer.

"Depends... what year are we in right now?"

"What?" Soobin asked, beyond flabbergasted.

"I was taken in 2012...2013 around those years" the younger calmly answered while watching the boys' faces lose their color.

"10 years..." Taehyun whispered, he couldn't believe his ears for a second.

"It's 2022 right now" soobin said, trying to wrap his head around what they've gotten themselves into. For some reason, instead of things making sense in his head, everything just became more complicated.

"2022... I was born in 2002" Kai stated "I guess I'm heading for the big  2 . 0" he said, a sad tune engulfing his words.

They could all hear the bitterness in his comment, how could they blame him, when 10 years of his life got robbed from him.

Getting over the initial shock, Soobin decided to attack again.

"How did it happen?"

"Do you want the full version or the gist of it?"

"Whatever you're willing to share..."

Kai breathed deep, a comforting hand laid on his shoulder, rubbing it in circles in order to sooth him.

He relax into the touch, backing closer into Taehyun's arms.

"My memory from that time isn't very clear, all I know is that we were poor. For a sense of perspective, we only had food 2 days of the week"

He felt tears pricking in his eyes, but he continued, knowing that if he stopped he might not be able to tell his story again.

"I kept getting less than my sister, because I was the older, and she was young, and weak. I didn't care though... I really didn't"

A tear dropped on his hoddie.

"I don't remember a lot but I'll never forget her face, she was everything to me, we were joined at the hip you can say... until we weren't" he said.

A soft hand padded his tears away, patting his head softly.

"She was the only one who knew about my powers, until our house got raided. Human trafficking was common in the poor streets of seoul" He breathed deep "I did what I could do as an 10 year old, somehow managed to call the police, but it was too late, one of them already took my sister. In the heat of the moment...." Kai stopped, biting his quivering lip.

"It's okay, take your time" Yeonjun said.

Kai closed his eyes, not wanting to break down twice in one day.

"I was a difficult child, had severe anger issues. W-when I saw them... taking my sister away. The anger took over and I hit whoever was in my vicinity, including her....." he choked with a silent cry.

"When they s-saw she was no longer alive, they t-took me instead"

"Hey.." Beomgyu handed Taehyun a pack of tissues.

"T-thank you" Kai said when Taehyun took 3 of them and wiped his face.

"Do you want some water too?" Beomgyu asked

Kai looked at soobin again, the older knew Kai was asking for permission to say yes. Gonna be tough breaking those habits.

"Thank you" Kai Took a small gulp from the cup.

"I was too focus on my sister to defend myself, and eventually they managed to take me away. I was marked as an unknown species. I passed through the trafficking system for about a year or so before being sold to the facility and well... you know the rest"

"I'm sorry that happened to you" Yeonjun said, stopping his own tears from falling.

He couldn't even imagine having 10 years taken from his life.

"It's okay, I deserved it anyway"

"What the fuck Kai..." Soobin said, a bit too aggressive he realized when the the fear rushed back the younger's eyes.

"Sorry, I'm just- no one should go through what you went through... how could you think that?"

The younger stayed silent, hanging his head low.

"I'm sure your sister didn't want you to suffer either"

Kai looked up, eyes glistening with tears.

"I m-miss her" he broke down sobbing. "It h-hurts so b-bad"

He was pulled back into Taehyun's arms who hugged him tightly, rocking him back and forth.

"Shh... it's okay, cry it out, it'll be okay"

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