Chapter fifteen

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Nic's pov.....

As usual , my evening is always spent at John's ' Erotic Club ' with women but today, I wasn't feeling the thrill at all...
One of the ladies sat on my tights rubbing me but I wasn't feeling anything....
I graped her hand and pushed her off me...

' You both...out now!'
' come on ....handsome, don't be grumpy else you get wrinkles.....let us make you feel good...'
She replied with a sly smile, going back to rub on me again but I held her hand and her jaws tightly ...

' when I say out.... I mean OUT!'
I said...
' release me....'
I let her go as they both run off.
I drank all my gin and now my glass is empty .....and I've chased those serving me off.....
I run my hand through my hair.... I was getting frustrated....and why?..
A certain green eye brunette......a fucking woman!....
All this frustration because of one stubborn woman..... I just want to feel her closer again...inhale her scent , that blew my brain this morning....
' Fuck!'
I unbuckled my belt and took out  my buddy .....and just like that , I was jerking myself .... imagining her mouth around my dick while I deep throat her ....fucking her petty little mouth until I felt my self spurting out my seeds....
' Gosh.....Catalia!'
I groan out her name .....exhaling with a satisfied smile.
I made my way to the washroom to clean up, and came out to continue my drink....until I heard a loud scream....
' not my problem..... probably someone's fucking but can't hold it in....yet they want it rough..'
I scoffed....
I heard the scream again and this time it's from right outside and not from a room....there was this bad feeling I had.

Walking out only to meet a man forcing himself on a lady ....not just any lady but my green eye devil....' GET OF HER!'
All i saw was I lift the man up by his shirt, punching him so hard, knocking him off....
I looked back at her and she looked terrible, her mascara run all over her face, red lipstick were all smeared in places, her hair all scattered and her top was torn almost revealing her breast...
I approached trying to comfort her but she was already out....
Drugs...that bastard drugged her!...if he wasn't already knocked off, i would have done my worst !
I removed my coat , covering her exposed chest while cradling her head on my chest ....making a quick call....
' Mr. Sanchez...get the car ready and meet me at the back exit!'
I didn't wait for a reply as I carried her out
Mr. Sanchez met us looking shocked
' oh my God!...isn't this miss Summers? What happened?'
' she was Dr. Rosaria to meet me at the penthouse! Be quick!'
I sat down with her on my laps as I kept rubbing her hands...her fingers were turning purple and cold....what the hell did that prick give you?!...
'drive faster Mr Sanchez !'
I was just freaking out right now...she can't die on me ....never!
' Catalia...can you hear me?...come on just open your eyes '
I asked but no answer, she had a faint pulse at least that kept me sane....

' Calm down sure she can hear you but can't say anything...'
' Calm down?!...can't you see how pale she is getting...her....her fingers are cold and purple!'
I don't know what was happening to me...., My parents death i couldn't do anything because I was young ....but ... but now I can do something to save her just freaking the hell out!
' We are here sir...'
Quickly exiting , I carried her inside the elevator...stopping Infront of my block,straight into my bedroom.... carefully placing her on the bed....
' where the hell is Rosaria?!'
I screamed at no one in particular ....

Well I practically live alone if not for Polly...let's say someone I can call mother....she took me in when I escaped my wicked aunty and her family.
Apparently she isn't here , seeing how quiet the place is....don't take me wrong but my old lady can be loud.
I wanted to rid her off her clothes but i couldn't .... I know i use women but the one here right now is different!
The door opened revealing Polly..and Rosaria....
' anything you can....if she dies, I will have you as diner!'
I felt a smack on my head and I knew it was Polly...
' what the f.....'
' I dare you to continue that word....'
I glared back at her..
' Dr. Rosaria is older than behave...'
She looked on my bed  then back at me with a questioning look.....
' wait , wait ,wait i know that look and before you scream or say assured I didn't fu......'
I looked at her and that alone made me choose my words....
' I mean , I didn't sleep with her till unconscious...and I definitely didn't scare or knock her out...she was drugged...
' oh my God! did that happen?' ...not that nickname...
' i don't happened too fast...'
Can't tell her I knocked someone out...

' Aww poor child...'
She approached her on the bed caressing her head...
' Don't worry much Mr Anorld '
Rosaria said..
' it wasn't much in her system...guess she is just not used to all this...she will be fine...just give her some hours of total rest...'
She said packing her stuffs...
' Just get her this medicines and all is good..'
She handed me a paper which Polly snatched from my hand...
' let me see you out Dr Rosaria...and I will get this them right away'
She was almost to the door when she stopped
' don't dare touch her....'
' really?'
' Don't ' really?' me Nicky.... I very well know how uncontrollable you became when you see can do that outside this walls since you never listen to me..'
' come on Polly...'
' Do you really want a slap? me ' Polly ' again and I will beat the shit out of you '
There she goes again swearing but am not allowed to....

' okay...Miss know you aren't that young again to be addressed as ' Miss ' right?'
She gave me warning with her eyes...
' this lady is kinda dear to me ....why else would I bring her here....this is my house and not just anyone come in'
I held her shoulder caressing it .
' i won't do anything bad to changing..'
She gave me a look of disbelieve and rolled her eyes....
' just a reminder though.... I will be back...'
' sure!'
I waved at her until she was out. I went to sit beside Catalia, pushing her hair out of her face....even with all the mess...she was still pretty....
I need to give John a call ....what happened today should never happen again and I hope that fucker rot in jail!...
I stood to give her space but she held my hands
' please.....please...'
' Hey ...Catalia can you hear me ?'
Her eyes were still closed but tears run out of them...
' don't please...'
' I won't right beside you...'
I slip beside her .. cuddling her on my chest...

' No one ....not even a fly can hurt you....cause am here for you....'
I plant a kiss on her forehead....and that seemed to calm her down, no sooner little snores could be heard.
' What did I say about ' no touching ?' '
I almost jumped out of bed..... arhhhnn...this my old woman.....really?
' I wasn't touching .....i was making her comfortable...'
She approached me, pinching my cheeks so hard....
' Fuck!....really!?'
' Get out of here young lad....'
I scoffed....
' what was that again?'
' this is my staying here '
' Give us some privacy dummy... I want to change her....or do you want me doing that Infront of you?'

' I wouldn't mind though...'
I mumbled to myself....
' what did you say?'
Gosh this woman is scary.....
' Nothing.... I said nothing....just give her one of my clean shirt and boxer....that's all I can offer her as now..'
I said annoyingly before getting out....
Am just happy she is safe... I think I did something good in my life today...and that's new....
I never did anything good to people except Polly and of course my workers Catalia....
I guess trying new things all over aren't bad at all and all thanks to Catalia green eye devil.......

Hey there.....hope you are enjoying it as much as I do.
Thanks for your support.

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