Chapter two

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*Somewhere at the Arnold enterprise*

' I SAID STOP! '....

Everybody composed their selves, unable to meet the angry young CEO's face, no one dares.....
The poor old man giving the presentation was already shivering, any moment from now, he knows ..he will be packing out.....

' Sir..w...we can rearrange it...'
He swallows the lumps behind his throat.
Instantly,..the young boss turned his chair to face them with a cold glare....

' Are you now telling me what to or not do?!' ....
When he got no answer, he slammed his hand on the table making all board members stand to their feet
' No Sir !!!'
Came their replies ....

' Now can someone tell me why he spoke?' ...
An elderly man raised his hand to speak when suddenly he was cut off....

' You are fired!!!'....

' Bu...but...'

' this meeting is over and Mr. Wood...'

The old man who gave the presentation quickly turned...
' Y....yes.. Sir?'

' Let the presentation be ready by the end of the day else , kiss your ass goodbye....'
The old man almost passed out whispering a small ' Okay'

As he turns to leave, the man he fired runs after him...
' Sir!...Sir..!....Nicolas! '
That made him stop as loud gasp could be heard from the others....
' You have no right to fire me just like that!... I've got shares in this company and I can take them back! if i were you , I will think twice ....'
The man said with a smirk...

Nicolas just turned and stared back at the  man right in front of him with an amused look.....
' Looking at you right now ...Mr. Saunder,..makes you look so pitiful, mind I remind you that even that  lefty change you call " shares" can't buy a poor man's dream house, so ...just take that change and see yourself out ,.. my company can move on without you....'
With that said he left to his office and just as he took his seat, his secretary came in wearing her short black skirt and white blouse which doesn't even support her fake large breast....
' Sir....'
' lock the door....
He said still not taking his eyes off her body...while she did as she was told and came back to stand before him....
'Sir ...'

' Take them off and bend yourself on my desk...'
His words left no room for argument.
' Don't Tell me you don't want this....provided you dressed up so bend yourself before i loose my last patience...'
And just like that she also complied since she has wanted this for days.....

Hi!!!, Thanks again for reading...will keep the updates coming. Do enjoy

🌹 Glymerlie Kjee 🌹

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