the second year f3

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POV Robbie

I walk into the paddock for the first race of 2022. It will be my second year f3. I really want to enter formula 1 but I have to get my super license first. I'm on 6 points because I finished 6th last year. Dad would rather not do that, he thinks me and max will fight too much on the track and then I'll be too clumsy and we'll crash. I think it's so unfair and know that max wants me to get into f1. It took 2 years before I could enter the f3, the European class it is. I did well last year, I won 1 race and 3 podiums. The race I won was in Zandvoort. The podiums were in Belgium it was a 2nd place, and Austria it was a 3rd place. And in Barcelona 2nd but it was almost  1st it was a nice fight. I want to do even better this year. I walk to my driver's room and sit on the chair that is there. I love this so much. I was always at Max's races and know the drivers here very well. I already knew a few through karting like Lando, Alex, Charles and George. I have the drivers press conference all media I don't mind at all. that's another story with max. He hates the media

I'm used to it because of YouTube which I've had for 5 years now just a hobby which has actually become too serious, I mean we post 2 times, have concerts, very popular songs Dutch and English. I walk to the room for the press conference where I already see the others. I don't really have close friends in the f3, but I don't really care. My friends who attended every race last year, there were 9 races. I really hope that next year I will be promoted to formula 2.

Robbie how look you in to this season now your brother his second titel in the formula 1 has reached? is asked to me.

I do my thing, I do my best to do it better then last year but I am proud of him it is my dream to race against him and as teammates to see who is the better driver but for that I need to focus on this season to win last year was great. I thought never that my debut would be that good, an sixth place with one win and 3 podiums and a six position in the rankings is great. I hope to do it better this year. Racing it's something that i love to do I hope that I am soon racing in the formula 1, but for that I need my super license I answer him.

We saw that you had a nice winter break on your Instagram, with who was you asked one journalist.

I was with friends, with them I make videos for our YouTube account and makes songs. I had a fun time again with them, they where with me all season last year. but I also like making videos with them. I do it all five years with them. They are great friends and so supporting with my choice to do this. I couldn't think what to do without them. There are the best friends I ever had I answer to the question.

How do you think this season will be? is the last question.

The test was good, I have a good feeling about it, I'm going to do my best and I'm going to see it, tomorrow's free practice and qualifying I'm looking forward to it again I answer. 

After the press conference I walked again in my driver's room. I sit on the chair an things about everything. I am so happy with what I am doing now. It is the best and I can it do both racing and youtube. After talking to my team and other things,

I go to my hotelroom. Max is in the same hotel as me. Some races we do in the same weekend at the same track so I can watched max racing the first race of the season. I am so excited for this season in the winterstop i have been training many times: runs for 2 hours or more with my friends Raoul, Matthy, Koen and Milo but they never do the whole run. Matthy do the longest with me for 1 hours and sometimes 1 hour and 30 minutes. At te gym for being fit for the season. And spend time with the family.

Which room are you staying robje see I on my phone it is Max.

235 send I back. Nice I 240 see you to night. I know that he has his press conference about 3 hours because f2 is after us.

Fifa or are you busy send I to max. Yeah about a hour I need to go for talking to my team and other things but I would love to do it get I back. I start FIFA and join max his lobby. We played for a hour and then max need to go.

It's one hour further and I am editing video's for our channel bankzitters. I edit many times the videos of them. And they do the rest for the channel. That's how we split it. I like to do editing between the things I do have to do at the race weekend. It also gives me peace and calm after a bad training or qualifying. it gave me peace in the times like the angry messages from Jos after a bad race. he handled Max badly after a bad race, but to me even after a mistake. maybe that's why I'm so focused in the car. Maybe that's why I do so many sim races to get to know the track. I'm always so focused in races. I always want to do better, nothing is perfect for me, not even in Zandvoort when I won. It was a flawless race but for me it wasn't perfect. it can always be better and sometimes I hate myself for it. the only reason i want to do everything right is because of dad i also have some bruises because of him. It was child abuse what he did to me, I talk about it a lot with Max, Mom, Victoria and Matthy, Milo, Koen and Raoul. It does give me some peace of mind about how I feel about it. Also with each one I have a different kind of conversation about it. It hardly bothers me now because Jos spends a lot of time with Max, even though that is less and less. And not so much to me anymore, Yes he watches every meter I drive in the f3 and confronts me if I make a mistake but often I don't even check.

I turn on my TV to watch the f1 press conference. Max first question is for you:
Your brother finished 6th in the f3 championship what do you think of it can he go to the f2 or even the f1 like you did? Is the question what is being asked.
I'm proud of him and happy that he finally had the chance to ride f3 last year. I really hope I get to ride against him someday. And I've said this many times: He deserves the chance to race. He loves it so much. or he can go straight after f1 then i don't know the rules changed in 2016 but i hope he gets his super lecentie soon says max. I smile I know how much Max and the other boys gives me.

During the winter break we saw a lot of photos or video of parties did you go to a lot during the winter break? Is the next question for Max.

Yes actually it was mainly concerts by Robbie, who's now also giving concerts with his friends from YouTube. I've been there a lot and proud of what he and the other 4 have achieved with it, but I also trained a lot together with Robbie and I've been on vacation with Kelly and Penelope withs was amazing time with them answer max.

Last year you won your 2nd world championship, what do you think of this year is the last question for Max.

I'm doing my best, I hope to ride good fights with the others and have a good season. The car felt really good on the rest of the days, but we'll see how it goes tomorrow.

I'll watch the rest and continue editing in the meantime. In the evening around half past eight there is a knock on my hotel door. I open it and see Max are you coming for dinner he asks. Yes, I say and I grab my phone and walk with Max to the dining room in the hotel. We have a good conversation together again or formula 1,2 and 3 and other things.

Words: 1514
Written on December 20, 2022
I'm not good at English but I try to make as few mistakes as possible. If so, let it know

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