The next thing I know, Tyler grabs me by the collar and pulls my face close to his. "You're so lucky you're currently carrying my child, if not, you would not like what will happen to you."

His words were so frightening, I felt my throat closing up from fear. "What did you just say?" I asked, hoping he wouldn't repeat himself.

"Don't act stupid, Aria. You heard me."

I couldn't take it any longer, so I slapped him across the face. "Fuck you!" I screamed, standing up.

And I swear, that felt good. I didn't know how I managed to muster the courage and hit him on the face, but I felt satisfied for doing that.

Tyler reaches out and pushes me back down onto the bed. "You hit me! You fucking bitch!"

I slap him again, this time harder. "I hate you! Why did you have to ruin my life? Everything has been ruined because of you! What do you want from me? To kill myself?"

"Wait, what did you say?!" He yells, grabbing my hair in a tight hold.

"I don't care what you want, but I will never forgive you for what you have done to me. You ruined my life, I was happy until you came along. Now, I'm stuck with a baby that I don't even want, and a husband who thinks I'll die if he doesn't fuck me every night. I wish I could just be alone forever." I cried hysterically, tears dripping down my cheeks.

He stares at in an expression I could not understand, but I know alot is going on in that crazy head of his.

Tyler stands up and gets dressed. "I'm going to work, do not bother calling, I will be home tonight to apologise. Stay here and relax. I promise it's going to be alright."

He leaves without another word.

I'm left sitting on the bed, crying. All I want is to be alone.


I hate being pregnant. I feel like a huge whale, I have no energy and I just want to be alone. I feel absolutely no connection with this child, or is it fetus in me. I feel disgusted and irritated by anything related to pregnancy, but most importantly, the hormones that are raging through my body.

I don't think I have ever felt so depressed before, and I can't believe I'm feeling this way now, when I have someone else inside me, I mean, yes, I haven't met the baby yet, but that should make me happy, right?

I'm lying on my bed, watching some television, but nothing is really holding my attention. My mind keeps wandering to the conversation that took place between Tyler and I this morning.

I can't help the way I feel, he raped me so many times, and then I find out I'm pregnant, it feels like a punishment. Even though I tried to fight him off, he still got his way, and now I feel like I'm trapped in a cage.

I feel like I can't breathe sometimes, I feel like I'm being suffocated by the weight of my belly. I feel so fat now, I can't even fit into my jeans.

I need to do something, I can't keep living like this. Perhaps, I need to talk to mom about all of this, and get this off my mind, hopefully she understands.

I pick up my phone and dial her number. She answers after two rings. "Hello sweetie, how are you feeling today? And how is the baby?"

"Mom, we are both doing fine. I need to talk to you." I begin.

My mother is quiet for a moment before she speaks. "About what?"

"I've been feeling really depressed lately, and I just wanted to tell you about it. Would you be able to come visit me tomorrow?"

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