Not Normal

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Doesn't it just suck when you get really excited for a story and then are literally unable to finish?

Not Normal is the sequeal to A Different Kind Of Love, and has gotten a lot of people pumped. Almost everyday, I get PMs asking about it. Finally, I'm ready to answer the sad truth.

The characters from the story were loosely based off of my group of friends in real life, obviously with different names. This is super novice and immature, I know. Don't put yourself in a story. And a lot of things have happened between then and now.

The girls I based Isabela and Desiree off of don't talk to me, anymore. Kind of sad. The girl I based Sydni off of has come out as transgender, and is working on becoming male. Melanie in real life just came out as genderfluid. So, yeah, a lot of things have happened. I just think I'd feel awkward still talking about some of these things.

"Sydni" is actually currently my best and closest friend, and I still talk to "Willamina" all the time, but it just wouldn't feel right to continue it. It's on hiatus as of now, but someday I may delete it.

I'm so sorry, guys. But it just wouldn't feel right to continue on.

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