c'est bon, je suis là (m. sturniolo)

Start from the beginning

"hello matthew." you hummed, smiling as his brows furrowed, slightly questioning the sudden formality.

"hello?" matthew replied, head tilted and brows knitting together as you just grinned at him sheepishly.

"i hate psychology, i genuinely want to drop out." you grunted as you read over your notes, your hair falling in your line of sight, causing you to subconsciously unclip the butterfly clip that held your hair in a messy bun.

"you've got two months left y/n, you can do this."

"how's lacrosse going?" you replied, trying to deflect the topic, not wanting to focus on your doubts about passing your class.

"i mean it, y/n/n, you're gonna pass your classes. you're smart as hell, why do you think i always copied off you in high school?" matt laughed, rolling his eyes playfully as you shook your head, unable to hide the soft smile that was perpetually on your face whenever you talked to matt.

"when's the big game?" you hummed, watching as matt shifted in his seat slightly, nervously running his hands through his hair as his tongue parted his lips, a disgruntled sigh following as he diverted his gaze. a sign combination you knew all too well.

"matt what's wrong?"

"the big game is in three days, the same day as your psych exam which means you won't be able to be there." he mumbled, pushing his food away from him as he sat there, staring straight ahead. you sighed, momentarily trying to figure out a way to either get out of your exam or attend your exam and get to his game in time.

"m'sorry matt, i want to be there. i really do but i'm not sure if it's possible."

"s'okay y/n, hey listen, the team has another practice scheduled tonight so i gotta go, talk later?" matt spoke, his words coming out rushed and distant, a clear sign that he was upset and trying to deflect from the situation at hand.

"alright, i love you matt."

"love you." he replied and then the line went dead. leaving you conflicted as your heart sank, wanting nothing more than to be there for your best friend.

you sat at your desk, typing away at your laptop before deleting everything you had said so far. you were determined to come up with a convincing email explaining that you couldn't make it to your final exam, hoping to come up with some sort of compromise so that you didn't fail the class. being there for matt was your top priority at this point and you knew that you were driving yourself crazy over him.

you felt bad lying to your professor, she was a sweet woman who never overworked her students but you wanted to be at matt's game. you wanted to be back in boston for a weekend. you missed your family, you missed chris and nick, and you missed just being home.

sighing, you booked a flight home to boston, only texting nick and your mom to let them know you were coming back home for a the weekend. after that, you quickly packed a bag for the weekend, throwing your essentials into a small suitcase followed by makeup, your laptop and study supplies into a duffel bag before climbing into bed, despite it being only eleven at night. your flight was at six in the morning and you'd back home by at least nine.

during your flight, you felt anxious. you hadn't seen matt in about two months due to him being injured so you hadn't had much of a reason to fly back out to boston. you just wanted to be back in his arms. as the pilot announced your arrival, you felt unrelenting giddiness, you were going to see your best friend again.

as you ordered an uber, matt's contact picture appeared on screen. scrambling, you declined it, hoping not to come across as suspicious. his game was at ten thirty and it was currently just after nine. sitting in the back of the uber, it felt like time was moving backward and just couldn't move fast enough. after finally reaching the sturniolo residence, nick had given you permission to use the spare to stash your things in the house before leaving seeing as everyone was at matt's first game back since his injury. once you finished putting your stuff in nick's room and grabbing matt's spare jersey that he left out for you before returning to your uber.

you had reached the college stadium with ten minutes to spare before the game started. your phone kept pinging constantly as you maneuvered your way through the sea of people, reaching the locker room that nick said he was at. looking at your phone, you were met with texts upon texts from nick and chris telling you that matt was freaking out. without a second thought, you braved your way into the locker room, searching for matt, heading to the last row of lockers as you heard nick curse loudly. as you rounded the corner, you saw matt sitting on the bench with his head in his hands. kneeling on the floor in front of him, you took his hands in yours.

"hey it's okay, i'm here." you cooed, waving nick and chris off as matt kept his gaze trained on you.


"c'mon matt, mirror my breathing." you hummed, taking a seat, straddling the bench as you pulled him into a hug, his cheek resting against your chest. you ran your hands through his hair, humming his favourite song with your lips against his forehead until his breathing returned to normal. pulling away, he looked at you.

"you actually made it."

"anything for my favourite person." you laughed, smiling at him as he returned it, you took a deep breath as he looked at you, the look in his eyes creating a whirlpool of emotions in the pit of your stomach. you were about to speak when he pressed his lips against yours, his hands pulling at your hips, wanting you as close as possible to him as you kissed back. your hands held his cheeks gently, your thumbs running along his cheekbones, you stilled your movements as he pulled away.

"i'm sorry, i just couldn't hold that back anymore." matt laughed, his hands still on yours hips, his thumbs slipping between the material of his spare jersey and your hoodie, rubbing gently against the bare skin.

"how about you win that game and then we can go on a date to celebrate?"


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a/n: pt 2 where they talk about their feelings and matt possibly gets hurt while he plays and y/n realizes that she's fully in love with him ??? yes or no???

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